3. Love maze

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Taehyung sat there, looking at his empty meeting room. It's been an hour since he finished his shift, if it was prior he would have run to his apartment to embrace the warmth. But now he doesn't know where his warmth source will be. Is he still that person's warmth ??

Taehyung closed his eyes and leaned back on his revolving chair, he got his promotion today the long-awaited one, one into which Taehyung put everything into it. Now he doesn't know what to feel when he has it in his hand.

That person we there with him tonight to toast this success? Is he will be happy too?? Does it even matter to him??

Taehyung moved out of the meeting room and collected his belongings after faking his smile to his colleagues, who kept on congratulating him, and telling him how much he deserved this...

It was 10 at night when he drove to his apartment as usual it was dark.

There was no sign of a person coming in after Taehyung left in the morning, he signed to himself and went to the bedroom and after a quick shower, he changed into comfortable pajamas and let his back relax on his luxurious bed...the bed he always wanted to buy....he always imagined how it will be to sleep on the bed the one celebrities uses for that he had to do extra time duty or 6 months.

He did...

Now he felt nothing, it was not relaxing not like the one when he used the throw his legs around his husband's and wrap them by letting his face comfortably lay on his husband's chest It never felt like that.

18-year-old Taehyung thought getting married was the big thing that could happen.

25-year-old Taehyung wishes he knew it's not about getting married it's about how much more you can go to hold on to that thread.

If you hold it tightly the thread may cut you through, if you hold it loosely you never know when the thread will slip out of your hand.

He looked at the bedroom and the clock, it was almost getting 1 CLK and his husband was not yet home.

Kim Seokjin.

They were high school sweethearts, they believed when everyone said marrying their first love happens to only a few people like very very lucky people.

Taehyung wants to chuckle at them.

They are indeed lucky ones...

They are each other's first love, but never thought they could be each other's last one...!?

It's been 4 years since they got married. They don't know when they grew apart while growing up in their world.

Taehyung doesn't remember when was the last they cooked together was when Jin joined him to wash his back, he doesn't know why Jin remembers when their last date the last cuddle to sleep. It's been 3 days since he saw his husband's face...it's not that they divorced or they don't love, it's just they are too busy to feel it and show it.

'you should earn when you are young only....'

Everyone told how much money is needed thing in life. Everyone told them to run, and they were running, not aimlessly but now Taehyung feels of questioning that aim.

Is it what his younger self wanted??? Definitely yes, a busy life, earning so much that not think before ordering, and having family.....that's all.

But his older self wants him to be happy, just to smile for a day, not the fake one but the genuine one with his husband...

Before he traveled into his sleep land he heard the muffled sounds of a key and a door unlocking and locking, for some strange reason he didn't open his eyes, yet he could feel the presence of his husband in their room...

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