Head Over Heels for You

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A/N: Idk why I haven't done this yet because I've done one shots but never of one for when they actually got together. *shrugs* So, here we go!

"She'd say yes if you asked her, you know." A voice startled Reyna out of her reverie and she tore her eyes away from a certain Lieutenant that was training with Henrietta in the arena on the Hunt's trip to Camp Half Blood.

Thalia Grace. Gods help Reyna if she knew what to do about Thalia Grace.

They had become best friends after the Giant War, their relationship only growing stronger when Reyna decided to join the Hunt and leave praetorship behind. Soon after many nights of sharing a tent, hunting monsters, and sitting around a campfire under the stars with her, Reyna realized that she had fallen inexplicably, inescapably in love with Thalia.

She thought she'd done a rather good job at hiding her feelings, but there she was, watching Thalia spar with Henrietta and being literally unable to peel her eyes away from the sight.

That is, until just now, when she had been embarrassingly caught by someone. She turned away from the sight and saw a smirking Annabeth with a knowing look in her gray eyes.

"What?" Reyna questioned.

"I said," Annabeth repeated, "she'd say yes if you asked her." Annabeth nodded her head towards Thalia.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Reyna mumbled, directing her attention fully away from the arena and to the girl in front of her.

"You're right. It would be stupid to ask her out since the two of you are practically joined at the hip as it is." Annabeth deadpanned. "You're obviously in love with her, Reyna. Why not just tell her?"

"Hey, you had a crush on Percy for 5 years and didn't tell him until you won a literal war!" Reyna felt a bit defensive.

Annabeth hummed and raised an eyebrow. "True, but now we've one another 'literal war'. And stop trying to change the subject."

Reyna pretended to be very interested in a pile of armor that had been dropped haphazardly on the ground. She always enjoyed talking to Annabeth; the girl was smarter than most of the people around them, but she liked it considerably less considering the topic they were addressing.

"She doesn't see me like that, ok? We're just really good friends. I mean, gods, she's the Lieutenant of Artemis, the star of the Hunt, and I'm just me. She's probably straight as it is. And remember? Aphrodite said no demigod would heal my heart so- Hey!" She leaned away as Annabeth gave a small shove to her shoulder.

"Stop that talk right now, Reyna. I know for a fact you're smarter than that. There's no way she's 'out of your league' or whatever just because she's the Lieutenant, and technically she's not just a demigod, she's a Hunter." Annabeth scoffed. "As for straight? She looks at you like you're the sun after a storm. Even when she's teasing you she's looking at you with heart eyes. If Thalia is as straight as a ruler, it's one of the bendy plastic ones."

Reyna shook her head. "Look, Annabeth. I appreciate it, honestly, but it just won't happen. Even if she is into girls I sure as Hades wouldn't be one of them. I don't want to ruin the best friendship I've ever had because I've gone and gotten myself wound head over heels for a girl who'll never-" She stopped abruptly, seeing Annabeth alarmed face and frantic shaking of her head. "What?" Reyna looked back at the arena, only to see that it was empty. Realizing what must have happened as if time itself were in slow motion, she turned behind her the other way to see Thalia standing there with a look of absolute shock and something else in her electric blue eyes.

Fuck. This was just her luck.

All she could was stare back at Thalia's face. She could see Thalia opening her mouth and then closing it again, probably trying to work out what to say, but she wasn't about to stick around to hear a rejection.

"I am going to run now." She announced to no one in particular, and she turned on her heel and bolted, ignoring Thalia's shouts for her to come back.

Mortification. That is what Reyna felt. Mortification and despair, because she had ruined yet another relationship in her life.

She was so wrapped up in her head that she must have slowed down, because before she knew it she heard a close range yell that was unmistakably Thalia's voice.

"Reyna! Reyna please just stop for a minute!" Reyna heard a branch snap very close to her and suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder.

"Reyna." Thalia said behind her.

Reyna groaned and turned to face the music. "Look, Thalia I- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry and this really doesn't have to change anything... I'm- we don't even have to mention it or-"

"Reyna, shut up." Thalia pushed her into the trunk of a tree that was next to her and kissed her, hard. Reyna was frozen for a moment but then immediately reciprocated.

Kissing Thalia was... not what she'd thought it'd be. Other people describe kisses as feeling like a firework explosion, but kissing Thalia wasn't that. It was more of a comforting feeling, like she was home, like this was what she should have been doing all along. Everything felt right; Thalia's hand was still on her shoulder but the other had found it's way to Reyna's hair, and Reyna put her arms around Thalia's waist as the kiss deepened. She figured she should enjoy this while it lasted.

"Fucking finally!" A voice cried out from somewhere around them. Reyna broke the kiss and saw Annabeth, Percy, and Piper standing down the hill, clapping their hands and apparently celebrating.

Wait, down the hill?

Reyna came to the realization that she had just kissed Thalia at the top of Half Blood hill, against Thalia's Pine.

Thalia chuckled and Reyna looked at her. "What?" She asked.

Thalia shook her head, smiling. "I was waiting for you to make a move, Rey. Turns out I'm the one with the guts in this relationship."

Reyna gasped a tiny bit at the word. "Relationship?" She asked.

Thalia brought a hand to the back of her neck and looked at Reyna, eyes hopeful. "Yeah. Relationship. If you want."

Reyna smiled a real, genuine smile. "Yeah, I'd like that Thals." Reyna leaned in and kissed her quickly. Thalia brought her back in, wanting more, but Reyna turned her head to the side. "Oh no. Nope, no more kisses until you apologize for saying I don't have guts."

Thalia gasped playfully. "What? That's ridiculous."

Reyna smirked. "Then no kisses for you I guess." She turned away and started on down the hill.

"Wait! I take it all back! We both got guts, ok? I'm sorry for ever suggesting otherwise!" Thalia raced down behind her and grabbed her hand.

"Thank you very much." Reyna smiled again and grasped Thalia's hand in hers. "For everything." She added, whispering.

Thalia smiled once more and they resigned themselves to the inescapable teasing by their friends.

Although, Reyna thought a bit if teasing was a small price to pay for finally being able to be with the girl she had fallen for.

A/N: So there you go! Not the longest thing but I still thought it's be cute for their first kiss to be at Thalia's Pine.

Btw, if anyone would like to see a Hunter/Praetor version of their first kiss I can definitely do that! Just comment and I'll add it to my list!

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