Pretty? Nah. Beautiful? Yeah, That's the One

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Thalia POV

Waiting in the infirmary was one of the most nerve wracking experiences I had ever had. Realistically, yeah, Reyna was only having a minor surgery, and on her finger for gods sake, but it didn't stop me from worrying nonstop about her since she had been admitted this morning.

Which is why I had let out a huge sigh of relief when Will came back into the waiting room with a smile on his face, saying the surgery had been a success. He was explaining the minor parts of the procedure as we walked back into the medical room together.

"We had to give her laughing gas and some other things, so just to warn you, she might be a little delirious for a while." Will finished his doctor speech.

"That's fine Will, and thanks for this."

"No problem. I gotta go see Neeks so we can get McDonald's though, so if you need anything else just ask one of my siblings, yeah? Other than that she's free to go whenever she feels like it." He smiled when I nodded in confirmation, backing out of the room.

I looked around, seeing a sheet of paper that listed all of the patients and their bed numbers. Seeing Reyna's name I tiptoed through the huge room towards her curtained area. Peeking through the curtain, I saw her. Even with her bed head and tired eyes Reyna was still the most beautiful person I had ever seen.

Unfortunately, she looked up right as I was about to pull back the curtain.

"Thalia!" She grinned, beckoning me into the room. "Hi!"

"Aw dam, I wanted to surprise you!" I snapped my fingers in mock disappointment but then smiled at her and hopped beside her on the cot. "You doing alright?"

"Yup!" She announced. "Doing good. Good good good." Her lazy smile only grew as I wrapped my arms around her. She moved herself closer my shoulder and I could feel more than hear the small laugh she emitted while nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

I realized Will was definitely right; the drugs they used were affecting her. No way Reyna would be this cuddly in a place where anyone could walk in and see. That's just not the way she is.

"You tired or hungry or anything?"

"Ooooh yeah. Yeah I want jellybeans... can I have jellybeans please?" She sounded, pouting, in a manner not unlike a begging child.

I smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head. "You need more than jellybeans, Rey-Rey. You want me to get you some food?"

"I feel fine, Thals, we can just go together." She said, yawning. "Or maybe just, stay here and... and cuddle. Yeah. The bed isn't that uncomfortable." She nodded into my chest.

I chuckled. "Yeah, that's not happening. It's Capture the Flag in an hour or so and you already know there'll be a lot of injuries. Besides, we have beds in the Zeus cabin now. Ones that are a lot more comfortable than some infirmary cot. How about you come with me to Cabin 1 and I'll get you a sandwich? We can cuddle after." If the effects haven't work off by then. I silently added.

Reyna put on her 'thinking face' that contrasted greatly with her current behavior and circumstance. "Will you still bring me jellybeans?" She pouted just a little to drive the point home.

I took her hand in mine. "Yes, Rey. I will bring you jellybeans."

Boy was she out of it.

"You're so pretty, Thals." Were Reyna's first words after she woke up from the nap I forced her to take after eating lunch. We were squished on one bed in the Zeus cabin, Reyna using me as a pillow while I sat up with a hand rubbing up and down her back. I hadn't realized she had woken up until I felt a tap on my knee and her eyes looking right up at mine, a sleepy smile on her face.

"Yeah?" I questioned, albeit blushing a little.

"Yeah." She sighed. "Like... your hair, and your eyes, and... and your muscles, and every one of your 47 freckles. Yeah, pretty. Pretty pretty. Is there a word for more than just pretty?"

I was a bit baffled at the compliments. Obviously I know Reyna loves me and I love her, but she is definitely not one to publicly announce and shower compliments on people. Reyna's always viewed that kind of thing as more intimate than others would. I was usually the one to compliment her if not just to see an adorable blush flood her cheeks.

"Uh, beautiful?" I tried.

Her eyes shone as Reyna grabbed my hand. "Yeah! You're beautiful, Thalia. Really, really, really beautiful."

A small smile crossed my lips as I looked at her. "Thanks, Rey-Rey. You're beautiful, too." I almost felt like crying.

With that, she tucked back into my arm and closed her eyes again, humming to herself softly. I her head near her hairline and simply admired her for a bit in her half-delirious state.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

A/N: So, wow. Major writer's block for a while there. This is all just fluff because I wanted to write it. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own characters or location.

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