OTP questions because I want to

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A/N: Feel free to agree, disagree (respectfully), offer another viewpoint, etc. Reading comments literally makes my day. I'm so glad people actually like this book.

1) Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
Thalia. Gift giving and physical touch are her love language. Reyna smiles every time she comes home late and there is a little trinket with a post-it note from Thalia on her bedside table.

2) Who sleeps in the other's lap?
Usually Reyna. Thalia is great at making her relax and that usually leads to Reyna cuddled inside a blanket burrito napping on top of Thalia.

3) Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Thalia tells Reyna not to stay up all night when she is stressed about work she has to do. Thalia has to physically carry Reyna to bed at least once a week.

4) Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
Thalia drives, Reyna gives directions. It used to be the other way around but Thalia got distracted once and almost drove off the road.

5) Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
Reyna poses, Thalia draws. Reyna doesn't even realize that Thalia has been drawing her until 6 months after they start dating when she finds a sketchbook full of drawings of her in all different places. When she questioned Thalia, all Thalia did was shrug and say, "You have a kind of beauty that deserves to be drawn."

6) Who keeps getting threatened by the other's overprotective older sibling?
Thalia. When Hylla first finds out about her and Reyna, she spends 15 minutes threatening Thalia about what will happen to her if she breaks Reyna's heart.

7) Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
Reyna almost always has perfect grammar. Thalia thinks that as long as she gets her thoughts across and it is decipherable than it's good enough.

8) Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
Thalia actively avoided Aurum and Argentum for a good year until the dogs finally warmed up to her.

9) Which member would draw on the other when given time and a marker?
Thalia. Sometimes Reyna will wake up with intricate flowers or simple hearts drawn on her arm or leg. She loved one of them, an R with arrows running through and a crown at the top, so much that she got a tattoo and surprised Thalia with it.

10) Which one constantly wears the other's clothes?
Reyna. She likes Thalia's clothes more than her own.

11) Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
Thalia makes the puns. If they are good (which is almost never) Reyna will actually laugh. Somehow Thalia always has puns at the ready.

12) Who hogs the blanket at night?
Reyna. She is always cold but gives off so much body heat that Thalia doesn't even need the blanket most of the time. Although it does get a little difficult when it comes time to wake Reyna up in the morning.

13) Who rocks the other to sleep as they lay together on a hammock?
Both of them, depending on the situation. Reyna has a hammock in her villa almost exclusively for when Thalia has a nightmare.

14) Fun parent? Thalia
Responsible parent? Reyna

15) Big spoon/Little spoon?
Thalia is the big spoon most of the time. Reyna has a smaller frame than Thalia does and Thalia likes holding her tight and protecting her.

16) Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
Both. Reyna will take off her armor and cape and just walk around without a shirt on. Thalia is the same with her Hunter gear. Both will openly ogle the other, but after they catch the other staring, will try to cover it up by yelling at them to put on a shirt.

17) Who has a tendency to be more dominant? Do they switch?
They switch sometimes but Thalia is the bottom most of the time, even if she would never admit it to anyone. Reyna loves teasing her.

18) Most sensitive areas?
Thalia: Under her ear, just above her collarbone. She is also sensitive to touch on her waistline/hipbones.
Reyna: Back of her neck/shoulder blades. She's also really sensitive at the inseam of her thigh.

19) Who likes to playfully tease the other?
Both. Both of them 100%. Their banter is a strong factor in their relationship and it can pick up at any time, especially when they're sparring.

20) Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's war during inappropriate times?
Thalia. She loves how flustered Reyna gets.

21) Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Thalia. Forehead kisses are Reyna favorite to wake up to (she'd rather not get out of bed at all, though) but when Thalia is feeling rather risky she'll kiss Reyna's back (that wakes Reyna up much faster anyway).

22) Who sweats the small stuff?
Reyna when it comes to things outside of the relationship. Thalia is incredibly forgetful and will worry about things like forgetting an anniversary or something like that.

23) Most common argument?
They don't argue a lot, mostly playful banter, but they are both stubborn as Hades and it is usually a battle if the wills to get one to apologize to the other. Going off of the last question, the most common argument is started when Thalia forgets a date. There is never any yelling, though.

24) Who is smol/Who is tol?
As much as she doesn't like it, Reyna is smol and Thalia is tol.

25) Horror movies?
They've both had their fair share of horror in their everyday lives to not want to see more on a screen. They will only watch horror movies to point out the obvious dumb choices and mistakes the characters make as the movie progresses.

26) Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
If Thalia notices that Reyna has to destress or just take a break for a while she will put on some 80's hits and the two of them (Reyna reluctantly at first although she secretly loves it) will dance around the living room until they're exhausted.

27) How do they flirt with one another?
Playful banter and teasing. Thalia will tell cheesy pickup lines to Reyna sometimes or leave her notes with romantic one-liners on them.

28) Are they a super sappy couple?
No, not really. The sap is saved for when there is no one else around and they can just be completely themselves.

29) What small quirks do they love about the other?
Reyna loves when Thalia scratches her neck when she's embarrassed or bites her lip.
Thalia loves watching Reyna absentmindedly play with her hair.

30) Who is the salt fiend and who has a sweet tooth?
Reyna loves sweet things (jellybeans in particular) and Thalia is all about the salty, especially potato chips.

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