flat tires & "poison roses" (au)

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au where leo fixes calypso's tire and calypso is aurora at a kids bday party <3

Calypso stared down at her flat tire. She had a her arms crossed and a pout on her face, ready to just throw the whole car away. "There's no way this is happening." She looked back at the long highway, watching cars fly past her, none bothering to stop and help. She walked to the back of her car and opened her trunk, taking off her sun glasses in the process.

Sitting in front of her was a tire. "What am I supposed to use you for?" She told the tire. "I don't even know how to replace a tire." She walked over and and glared at the flat tire once more. "What even-" She spotted something on the ground and slowly walked over to it. A nail. "Are you-"

"Hello?" Calypso jumped when she noticed the man standing next to her.

If she was being honest.... he was kind if cute. He was a few inches taller than her. Her eyes went down to his face, allowing her to take in his dark curls and brown eyes. His face was covered with a look of concern, as well as a few dots of- what was it, grease? Involuntarily, her eyes wandered to his shirt, where more grease could be seen. Then down his arms, where she noticed he was fiddling with something on his belt. Tools. Maybe he could help her?

"Uh, hi." Calypso said after a few moments of silence.

"Are you lost? You need help?"

"Uh," Calypso looked at the guy and back at her tire. "I have a flat tire."

"Ah," The man stepped over and looked at Calypso's tire. "Any idea how that happened?" She held up the nail and the man cursed. "Gods, I'm sorry. I was just over here with my little sister and I told her to hold onto the nails, and-" He continued rambling on and on, trying to explain. "Basically," he finally said. "It's my fault. I'm sorry." Calypso stared at him for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. "You know what, I can change your tire. Kind of like payment for what I did, I guess. Is that okay?"

"Uh sure, thanks." Calypso held out her hand. "Calypso."

"Oh-" Leo took her hand and shook it. "Leo."  He pulled his hand away and peeked at her trunk. "Do you have a spare tire?"

"Yeah." She walked over and opened her trunk, revealing a spare tire.

"Perfect." Leo took the tire and carried it out, acting as if it weighted nothing. He then started to get to work on removing the flat tire and replacing it with the new one. Calypso couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Do you need any help?"

"Nah," Leo looked up at her and gave her a reassuring smile, which made the butterflies in her stomach go even more insane. "I got it, Sunshine."

The butterflies stopped. "Sunshine?" She repeated.

Leo shrugged and went back to his work. "Yeah. Is there a problem with that?" He looked back up at her and the butterflies returned, despite his sly nickname.

"No." Calypso barely whispered.


Leo stood up and dusted off his hands. "There you go."

"Wow." Calypso came over and inspected the tire. "That was fast."

"I'm pretty good with this kind of stuff." He shrugged. "Once again, I'm really sorry. I'll watch my sister more closely next time."

"I appreciate that, but really, its fine. You did replace my tire, after all."

"Yeah... anything else I can do for you?"

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