Italy Chapters: 44

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I've been awake since early in the morning before the sunrise had the ability to light my room with picturesque hues. I stepped outside and watched the sky brighten up, and the beautiful earth comes to life, one by one. I will miss this scenery, this lively little place where I am not expected to be anything in particular.

My last days are approaching before I leave. Tonight, I get to meet Carlos Romano, the man who ordered the doom that fell upon me for the last month and a half. I am reminded once again of the burdens I have metaphorically taken off my shoulders. They take their place and weigh me down again.

I imagine how much better everyone's life could have been if I wasn't introduced to it. I bring trouble wherever I go, even the good people end up getting hurt under my watch. It's sickening how I allowed so much to happen. Carlos Romano humbled me simply. He targeted my open weak spots, knowing I cannot fight what I cannot see and what I do not know. How am I supposed to meet this man?

"Enjoying the view?" I jolt from where I am standing at the voice that calls out behind me. And then there is this one. Elias.

"I was until you disrupted the peace," I continue to look beyond the trees, not bothering to embarrass myself by making eye contact with the man who kissed me last night. I feel jittery again at the thought.

Elias stands next to me and looks out over the scene, "You seemed to be up in the clouds for the first couple of minutes. Then the clouds suddenly turned grey, I suppose because you stopped smiling,"

I turn to him, "How long were you standing there?"

"I have no idea. I was enjoying the view myself," he winks with a flirtatious smile, "The view being you, of course,"

I regret asking the question immediately, "You won't see me much anymore, sadly. I will be returning to London after meeting your uncle,"

He tenses up and turns his body fully to me, paying attention to my words, "You don't have to return so quickly,"

"I do. I meet your uncle tonight, over dinner. Then I leave," I say, "I have no reason to stay here any longer. I have a life waiting for me back home,"

Elias looks offended, hurt flashing in and out of his face, "I can't believe you, Tempest. You are not going to address what happened last night, are you?"

I shrug, coldly, trying not to show how much I do want to address it, "I have nothing to say. Do you have something to say?"

He laughs, as if I had said something funny, and mutters something in Italian. I am sure he cursed at me by the way his voice changed, "So, you're telling me that the kiss meant nothing to you, that you didn't understand the message I was relaying," his jaw clenches and unclenches.

I try my best to keep my composure, "I am sure you could have used words to relay a message. You know, use your mouth to speak rather than... "

"Kiss, Tempest, just say it. God, Malachi must have ripped his hair from his head dealing with you," he crosses his arms over his chest, "Yes, I kissed you hoping you would understand what I feel towards you is not one of friendship but of genuine interest. That is a huge gesture, in case you were wondering. I don't go out kissing people randomly,"

How can he say it so casually?
My heart is trying to break my ribs and escape, but he stands there looking unbothered by confessing feelings.

Once again, I am speechless.

Elias rolls his eyes, "You need to speak, darling. You're making me nervous with the lack of response. Hurry up and reject me, if you please,"

I proceed to keep my mouth shut and blankly stare at him. Do I reciprocate these feelings, is that why I am having a hard time turning him down?

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