Chapter 26

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No progress has been made.
The dreaded meeting has taken place, and I must say... it is hell on earth seeing Tempest actually worked up. It's almost been an hour and we have gotten nowhere. Mr. Moore sits at the head o the table, pinching the bridge of his nose as his granddaughter argues with a grown man, also known as my father. They have been at it this whole time, barely taking a breath to let any of us intervene.

"-don't realize this. You are far too young to be even involved in a crime-infested organization. You know nothing of violence-" my dad tries to explain before he gets interrupted.

"Do not tell me what I do and do not know, Mr. Stone. Stay in your lane," Tempest has a wild expression, it's freaking hot and scary at the same time. I see Frank in the corner trying his best to not laugh, and honestly, I feel the same man. I have never seen anyone shut my dad up as quickly as Tempest. "I am just asking that I get to take a turn in doing my duty to this mafia. It runs in MY family so I should have a say in my role,"

My dad scoffs and even laughs at her, "You came out of nowhere and demand respect as if you deserve it. You forget that you are only eighteen. We have more experience in this business in our pinky than you have in your whole body, Miss Moore. And do not speak about duty and role because surely Mr. Moore will no hand over his generational works to you,"

Her eyes twitch.
She stares at him.
He stares at her.

Mr. Moore finally opens his eyes, "That's enough you two. Jesus Christ, you both give me a headache," he rubs his temple, "Malachi, what is your say in this?"

I clear my throat, not expecting to get pulled into this, "I think my father and I have been handling our share well over the years. It is true, we have had some bumps and Tempest did extraordinary the first week she took over, however, this job isn't all sunshine and rainbows. It should be left to us. We will be sure to use her methods to better our sale,"

I see Tempest snap her head in my direction, "If you dare to even use any part of my hard work planning, I will slaughter you,"

"TEMPEST-" Mr. Moore slams his hand on the table, "Enough with the threatening, young lady. How am I to trust you when you say such immature things to your elders?"

She makes a face of bewilderment.
My father has a smug smile on his face, and I hope she doesn't see it.

She takes a breath and clasps her hands in front of her, silent. For some reason, her silence is a whole lot frightening than her yelling. She twists a skull-shaped ring on her middle finger, switching it from one finger to another. Frank seems on edge as he watches her movement. Her hand still has little tiny scars from the time she had it bandaged.

The room falls silent with her.
it seems everyone is holding their breath. waiting for her to retaliate.

She pushes her chair back and stands, the sound of the chair dragging against the floor causes us all to flinch. "My sincere apologies, but I have a luncheon to attend to in less than thirty minutes. I thought I would be heard, but it seems all of you can't seem to look past my age. It almost seems like I have to kill someone to prove I am just as capable as you all," she eyes her grandfather, then turns her attention back to my father, "I would, however, like to work alongside you, Mr. Stone. Do the reports and count the money. The simple, non-violent jobs that you think I am capable of doing," she seems very very sarcastic.

"I don't need your assistance, Miss Moore. I have my son," my dad says.

She raises a brow, "I think you do need my assistance. More than you know," she is staring him down. hard.

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