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*** Malachi POV***

"How are things going with you and the Moore girl? I heard you were out with her and the Kinsmans," my father says from his desk, without looking up from his paper.

"It's going well, but she's a little complicated. I don't think getting close to her is going to get me anywhere," I answer.

"What do you mean?" at this he looks up, "You can sleep with every girl in London, but what's hard about her? She is young, clueless, innocent. Take it away from her. Destroy her ego and take what's yours," his voice raises at each word.

I try my best not to roll my eyes, "You're underestimating her. She clearly wouldn't be here if she was clueless or innocent,"

"So what? A woman always falls for a man. I don't care how you do it, all I need to do is take her down," he lowers his voice, "If you fail to do so, I will have to intervene. I invested way too much for your success only for it to be ruined by a rotten bitch from nowhere,"

I cringe at his words.
I am disgusted at his words.
I wonder how we have the same blood running through our veins.


"Okay what?" he demands.

"Okay, Sir,"

fuck you and your fucking pride. I hope someone has the guts to put a bullet through your brains. My goodness, I hate seeing him. I hate when he calls me into this office just to tell me how to get things done. Not even to ask me how I am doing.

I am more than happy to leave.
To drive away.

Ugh, I can't get her smile out of my head.
She shook my hand with such an eager face, and I almost felt bad.
I was so shocked.
I was so shocked to touch her hand for the first time.
It was so soft and warm, so small in my own hand.

What am I doing?
What am I thinking?

To see her out of character in the car.
To see her laugh with Liv.
To see her bop her head to the sound of the music.

Something doesn't seem right. Something doesn't feel right. I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes. I am trapping her into a world of lies. I have to.
For her own safety, this was the only option.
My father's plans will stop at nothing, just to see me with power.
The power I will use to destroy him.

Unexpected rain begins to fall from the dark black sky.
It's calming and soothing my mind as I drive through the city.
I am caught at a red light.

The ticking of my turn signal and the faint sound of classical music play through the car. I turn my head to the book store at the corner. I squint at the girl walking out with a handful of books. She starts walking down the sidewalk, barely able to hold the things in her hand.

I smile.
The green light illuminates on the dashboard, as I turn the corner. I drive past the girl, only to feel bad that she is in the rain without an umbrella.
I stop and look through the rearview mirror.

My head snaps back.
I see her struggling against a man, who shakes her violently.

I park the car and run out.

****Tempest POV***

"Frank, where are you?" I whine through the phone.

"I am with your grandfather tonight, why? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I needed to buy something and I can't find the keys to my car," I feel like a spoiled brat, but I was serious. I can't find my keys.

He sighs, "Did you check the kitchen counter,"

SHE (Book #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora