Chapter Sixteen, in which Kelvin goes for a fateful midnight stroll

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Kelvin gulped and looked down over Big Blue's scaly shoulders. The last few giant oaks of the Everwood rolled away below him and the smokey towers of Everwinter came into view through the foggy air. Kelvin shuddered at the sight. It had been so long...

"Hold on tight!" shouted Yago, "We're beginning our descent."

Kelvin felt a sudden dropping sensation in his stomach as he scrabbled for a grip on one of Big Blue's spines. Finally grasping one, he held on tight as the dragon swooped low and circled Everwinter's central tower. Looking closely, Kelvin could make out the window of his childhood bedroom. After the initial pass, Big Blue swooped off to the south side of the city, and landed in a stand of trees right outside the city walls.

"We had best leave the dragon here," said Skeena, "We want to keep a low profile, collect intel, and report back to the Queen."

"Alright," Yago replied, before turning to Big Blue, saying, "Stay, yes, stay. Good boy."

A few minutes later, Kelvin followed Skeena through the main gates of Everwinter, keeping his head low to avoid being recognized, followed by Tamara and Yago. As they proceeded down High Street, towards the center of the city, Kelvin looked for people he recognized. Everyone seemed so much shorter than he remembered, the buildings too. It was hard for Kelvin to tell if he knew anyone, because of the fog for one thing, but also because everyone he knew was surely much older than he remembered. As Kelvin led his companions past the large trees that were planted in rows along the city street, he heard whispering from behind him.

"What's that, Skeena?" he asked.

Skeena gave a very long and over-exaggerated sigh. "Nothing," she said, then paused for a moment before continuing, "Let's find an inn to stay at where we won't get noticed."

"I know just the place," Kelvin whispered back.

As they passed a small stone castle-tower, Kelvin led his friends to the right, down Bateman's Quay. As they rounded the corner Kelvin had to pull his collar up because the misty wind blowing off the lake was so chilly.

Presently, they arrived at the hotel "The Lady Desart," a tall, creeky, wooden building with smoke drifting from the chimney, and a faded blue sign on the door that read "Remember, God is dead."

"Uh oh," said Skeena as they stepped in the door.

"Don't worry," said Kelvin. "It's not talking about Nom."

Later that night, Kelvin was lying on his stiff mattress in the inn trying to sleep, but he just couldn't. He kept thinking about the fact that he was in Everwinter again. All the places he knew from his childhood were all around him once again.

Finally, Kelvin couldn't take it any longer. He got out of bed, quietly put on his coat, and stealthily exited The Lady Desart onto the cobbled streets. He began to walk south along the street that paralleled the Everlake. He looked up to the sky. Not a star could be seen through the thick clouds. Kelvin found this strangely comforting. He had loved the stars when he had first left Everwinter, but now, after all these years, Everwinter's turbulent grey skies had their own strange appeal.

"Who goes there?" said a deep, commanding voice.

Kelvin jumped. Standing before him was a guard, his green cloak blowing in the wind, and looming above him was the main tower Everwinter Castle itself.

"Nothing," Kelvin said, hurriedly in an awkward tone, "I'm just an innocent bystander."

The guard chuckled. "That's the most suspicious thing I've ever heard. Come with me."

"Wait!" said Kelvin, but it was no use. The large guard had grabbed hold of Kelvin's arm and dragged him towards the castle. "Where are you taking me?" Kelvin asked, as the guard fumbled with the keys to the castle.

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