Slowly my body fill with excitement, happy to be out of the hospital. "I hope you're ready to start working again. I know you haven't answered me on whether you want to go solo or not, but I started preparations to pull you out of Gemstones. I'm going to cancel the group." Dad tells me, looking at him questions fly through my mind. 

"Why did you hire them in the first place? You must have realized they're not very nice girls?" I ask. He chuckles sadly, then sighs. "I knew, but I found evidence they were responsible for the accidents that led to the boys staying with you. I hoped with keeping them close, I could get actual proof, and not just a statement from someone." He sighs again and looks at me, pain all over his face. "Can you ever forgive me? Me putting you with them has spelled nothing but trouble, and I regret it immensely." He says, the tears almost spilling from his eyes. 

I laugh, "well I'm not. I don't regret anything. If you hadn't, I would still be back home thinking my rapist is my boyfriend." I watch as the tears spill over, and I wipe them away. "Please stop crying. I'm extremely happy with how my life is going. And I would like to continue, so I'm saying yes to going solo." I kiss his cheek, and he smiles through his tears. He pulls me into a hug, and I chuckle. "Don't worry. There is nothing to forgive, so I won't. I'm extremely grateful to you for everything you've done for me." I say, as we pull out of the hug. 

"Thank you. I love you Y/n, my daughter." He pats my hand, and them wipes his face. The tears have stopped. "I love you too dad," I say, and see new tears, so I laugh. I hug him again, and then sit back, and watch outside. Ten minutes later the car slows down, and parks in the driveway. 

I want to open the door, but dad holds me back. I turn to him, a question on my face, he chuckles. "Please from now on wait till either Chul-Moo or Yong opens the door for you." He says seriously. Really? I'm perfectly fine to get out of the car by myself. He smiles, "I know, but please humor me?" He asks, and I sigh, "fine. I don't like it, but I will." 

I turn to the door and wait till it's opened, and I climb out when it's finally open. I look at the door and laugh seeing six of the seven standing there, waiting for me. Again Sexy is absent. They rush towards me, but halt when they see dad get out of the car. They never expected the big boss to drive me home. I laugh, doubling over, they look too funny. Dad laughs too when he joins me. 

The guys file inside, and we follow. I enter the living room, and all are grouped together real close and look with big eyes at dad. I sit down, and dad sits next to me. "Relax, sit down. I've got something to tell you." He addresses the guys and they slowly sit down, some on the armrests of the couches, still close together. Afraid of what is coming. 

I smile, 'relax Yoongi. Nothing bad. I promise' and I see him relax, shoulders slumping. He smiles his cute gummy smile and I melt. God I love that man. 'I love you, Love. Welcome home.' I hear in my mind. I wink at him, 'and I love you more.' I give him back. Then I look at dad as do the boys. He chuckles again at their faces, still scared. "First," dad begins, pointing at my new bodyguards, "I added a new security detail to Aqua. They will be with her at all time when she leaves this house. When she's here they will be stationed outside, and the will screen anyone visiting." He takes a breath and let's both introduce themselves. 

The guys give their greetings, then look at dad again, knowing there will be more. Yoongi looks very satisfied, I smile to myself. "Now for the important stuff. I haven't asked Aqua about this, but I don't think she minds me telling you," he begins again, and I know what he will say. I don't mind, I'm really curious how they will react so I look at them now. Studying them closely. 

"I adopted Aqua," dad drops on the boys, and all six look so surprised it's funny. I smile, and dad does too, and then he gets very stern, and I see some of them gulp. "Now, I'm happy, she is happy, but if one of you ever hurts her, you have to deal with me, and not as your boss, but as her father." Dad looks satisfied, his message received very clear as all six look still a little scared. 

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