Chapter Thirty Five - The Underground

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Xander was drawing in the mud with a twig. Selene watched as the improvised pen scraped up channels in the ground.

"And here," said Xander, stabbing the ground with the twig, "is how we get into Central Control."

"How can you be so sure? That's not the route we took to get out," said Virgil, standing over the mud-made map. His shadow darkened the ground and Selene pushed him out of the way so she could see it properly.

"I lived in the sewer for years. I can get anywhere in London."

"But you never came this far north?" Asked Virgil.

"Not since I came to London in the first place, and I didn't go through Hampstead. It may be easier for us to use the Underground tunnels. At least we know where those go. We can go from Hampstead, and follow the tracks into Central London. Once I've got my bearings I'll be able to divert us into the sewers and we'll be safe."

"How long will it take?" Asked Selene.

"If we leave now," said Xander, looking up at the sun which was still low in the morning sky, "we can be there by lunch time."

"And when we get inside, what then? How will we know how to find the prisoners that are being sent to Epershand?" Asked Selene.

"I don't know. But we can go up and retreat back down to the sewers as often as we want. If we're careful, and covered in sewage, they won't know we're there."

"I know where they took them," said Virgil, kicking the mud at his feet as he spoke and looking at neither of them. "From my time in the cells. If we can get in I can take us to where they held the candidates before they transported them."

Selene nodded. There were huge holes in the plan, but they needed a purpose and for the moment, this sufficed. She was eager to get going, and she began to pack Virgil's things away into his bag.

"Hey, let me do that little lady," he said, taking a bottle of water from her hands and re-packing the bag. "It has to be done in such a way that makes it comfortable to carry," he explained, smiling at Selene, who stood up and backed away.

Xander began the journey by leading them to the nearest sewer; he didn't want to waste Virgil's filtered sewage, and insisted that they cover themselves as quickly as possible. Virgil prised open a drain cover with the knife that was hidden in his boot and they each jumped down and immersed themselves in the sewage, before climbing back out.

Selene felt the cold sludge suck around her limbs as she ducked her head under and tried not to breathe. Her dress was heavy and, until it dried, her movement would be slow. She trudged back to where the drain cover led on to the street and held up her arms for Virgil and Xander to haul her back out into the light.

"I much prefer the purified version," she said, struggling to resist the urge to wipe her face clean. Virgil smiled, but Xander's face was stern as he jumped down himself.

Once they were all ready, and satisfied with their covering, they moved towards the entrance to the underground, with Xander in the lead. Virgil held his gun at all times, cocked and ready, just in case a stray Vark should turn up.

The entrance to the old station was crumbled, but the distinctive blue and red sign still hung from one edge, and dangled perpendicular to the pavement. Xander began to clamber over the piles of rubble and disappeared into the gaping black hole that lurked beyond the entrance.

"You go," said Virgil. "I'll watch your back." His glanced up and down the street, alert and watchful.

Selene hiked her dress up and began climbing over the broken bricks. Her dancing shoes were completely worn out and she could feel every sharp-edged stone beneath her feet. She made a note to try and find something different to wear at the next possible opportunity. The dress was not practical for what she was trying to do now.

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