August Charles Brooks

151 1 1

Submitted by @vanillaokko

Anything I say will be in bold. 

Anything the author says will be in normal text. 


Good evening/morning/afternoon everyone! Wait. 2 reviews in a day?! Yeah, I didn't expect this either. But I make a review as soon as I'm done reading it, so after taking a short break (and watching some Undertale) I started working on this. Oh, well, onto the review!


↳ August Charles Brooks 

Ooh, first review in which the character has a middle name!


↳ Bisexual



↳ Transgender Guy (He/Him)



↳ August has dark brown eyes and naturally cherry red hair, often in an unkempt disarray. Predominant features: soft oval-shaped face, big 'puppy' eyes with dark bags underneath them, crooked teeth, thin and often chapped lips, naturally long eyelashes, slightly pointed ears, dark brown freckles sprinkled across cheeks and nose bridge (and on shoulder blades, stomach, and thighs) , a chubby build, and stretch marks on stomach and thighs.

 I like all the detail you put!


↳ August's backstory is still in the works. He's not fully developed yet. However, I can tell you that his mother and father are very religious, and he moved in with his elder sister soon after coming out.

 That's ok if it's not fully developed! The things you did tell me did technically count as a backstory!


↳ Skateboarding, polaroid pictures, soft blankets, long car rides, early 2000s rom-com movies, horror podcasts, greek mythology, video games



↳ math, doing laundry, freezing cold water, bright / flashing lights, sudden loud noises, mosquitoes

I agree. Math is in my opinion, the worst subject ever (No offence to those who like math)


↳ slow walkers, being put on the spot without warning, people who listen to music in public without headphones

I- I don't think me and August would get along together *heh*


↳ Positive: Extroverted, friendly, quick-witted, spontaneous, creative, easygoing, passionate, fiercely protective of loved ones, trustworthy, understanding, sees the best in others, compassionate, forgiving, loves deeply.

On second thought, his personality and my personality do share some traits...

Negative: Frequently overshares, impulsive and reckless, often absent-minded clumsy, cries easily, stubborn, self-conscious, can't ask for help; bottles up and deals with emotional baggage alone, indecisive, talks too much, no brain-to-mouth filter, terrible liar



↳ August has ADHD, his favorite song is Talk Too Much, and he's allergic to peanuts

My OC (You can read about her in the 100 read special) is also allergic to peanuts. 


↳ 16 


Wow. Just wow. I have no words. This is the most balanced OC I have ever met. When you said that he had ADHD, his outgoing and extroverted personality showed that, and I'm glad you did your research on his disorder. The Mary Sue (In this case Gary Stu) level is...

Gary Stu level: 0/10

Really great job on your OC, @vanillaokko! Once again, I wish you all a good day/night/evening, and I will see you guys in  the next review! Goodbye!

~Dreamer out

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