I help Izuku into a wheel chair and roll her out of the infirmary cus she wanted some fresh air. When we get to the waiting room we see Nemuri, Zashi, Nezu, recovery girl and that kid.

I look at Izu and she's looking at me with the same smirk, I nod my head in approval, and cover my ears.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS" she yells. I taught her well. We both watch their reactions to the wake up call.

Nezu falls down from his chair and says,"oh my!!"

Recovery girl wakes up normally which was quite the disappointment

Nemuri just waved her hand in the motion of swatting a bug near her ear, which was strange.

Zashi yelled "AAH!!!!" With his quirk which we all should've expected.

But the kid....he woke up yelling,"I'm sorry! I wont do it again please dont hurt me, please don't hurt me", he shrunk into the size of a ball and started pulling at his hair. He was breathing really fast. So I ran to him and started saying reassuring things to him.

Izuku rolled over to us and said,"hey, hey Toshi can you tell me 5 things  you can feel." She said it with such a soft tone, I could see Hitoshi calm down just at the sound of her voice.

"Umm..umm the floor, Mr Aizawa, my hair, my sh-shirt, the wall."

"Okay hitoshi, can you list three things you can see?"

"Umm...uh, the-the tiles, the chairs, you"

Hitoshi had calmed down but Izu had gotten  off of her wheelchair and was sitting beside Hitoshi, she was smiling her sunshine smile as I like to call it and she was still calming Hitoshi down. She hugged him and he began to cry into her shoulder. They stayed like that for a while, and then Izu looked up at me, I knew what that look meant, so I went with Nezu to his office and we did some digging and found out that he was getting abused and bullied because his quirk was 'villainous'. I decided get some paperwork.

We went back to the infirmary 30 minutes later to see Hitoshi and Izuku laughing at Zashi. They got along well so I guess there's no problem. I went to Hitoshi bent down so we were eye level and said,"Hitoshi, we found out some stuff about your living situation and decided that your parents don't deserve a sweet child like you so if you dont mind, do you wanna live with me and Izu and eventually Zashi?"

He looked at me with eyes that I couldnt even describe, they had been through so much but they were still so innocent, "yes please ,thank you", he looked like he was trying to be brave and didn't let the tears out. But then I hugged him and he let it all out. "But are you sure, my parents- no the people who I live with, told me I'm a burden and that I was annoying and that I didnt deserve anything special because my quirk was villainous-", I cut him off," those people were terrible and are completely wrong, they're going to go to jail for what they did, you're a great kid with great potential and an absolutely great quirk", then he just cried into my shirt and nodded.

After we were done with the emotional stuff. he signed all the papers. Izu went up to him and asked him,"hey Toshi, when's your birthday", "July 1st", he replied.
Izuku gasped,"That means you're my big brother, my birthday is on july 15. I really wanted to be your big sister, though", Hitoshi looked at her with love and a need to protect in his eyes. He hugged his new little sister and said,"I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again", Izuku hugged him back.

Zashi came and whispered to me,"this is so damn wholesome", as expected I slapped the back of his head.

*Time skip to a week later*

(Izuku's leg and arm are already healed dont ask me how just go with it. Hitoshi stayed at the hospital with Izuku because he wanted to keep her company so this is his first time coming to his new home)

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