Ruby: Oh, come on, come on.

Blake: Don't worry. It'll work.

Ruby: Nothing else has.

Blake: I know you don't always know what to do, but that's never stopped you from doing something.

Blake: I was like that as a girl, but time and... a lot of other things, took their toll on me. Then I wasn't sure if that kind of girl could actually survive in the world... until I met you. It was a little strange at first because you were younger, but I've always looked up to you, Ruby. And I still do.

Ruby tears up again, and seems to be reassured.

Y/N walks beside Weiss and Whitley, Weiss looks at Y/N and she lets Whitley walk in front of them, alone.

Weiss: Hey, Y/N.

Y/N looks at Weiss before looking back in front.

Y/N: Yeah?

Weiss: You've been.. acting quite distant lately.. is there something wrong?

Y/N looks across his shoulder and stops walking, Weiss stopped walking in response and looks at Y/N with concern.

Y/N: It's nothing.

Weiss seems displeased by this.

Weiss: I don't believe you.

Weiss takes Y/N's hands and forces him to look her in the eyes.

Weiss: Y/N. You can always talk to me. I know there's something bothering you.

Y/N looks down and sighs as he gives in, he pulls his hands away and pulls Weiss beside him as he walks while slinging his arm on her shoulder.

Y/N: Ever since I stepped foot in Atlas, I've been having these hallucinations - no, more like flashbacks - of the past. And now, I remember almost all of it—all of them.

Weiss looks at Y/N and looks down as she continues to listen.

Y/N: These... memories... they're changing me. I can feel the past and its anger merging with mine. This change... is messing with how I think, and how I see my surroundings. Nothing makes sense anymore. 

Y/N: I'm not sure if it ever did in the first place.

Weiss looks at Y/N and smiles before putting her head on his shoulder.

Weiss: No matter how much you change, how much you care about us—I won't stop being here for you.

Y/N looks at Weiss and smiles softly. 

Y/N: Thanks, Darlin'. 

Y/N: I almost forget that you hated me for two months.

Weiss giggles.

Weiss: That's the plan~!

He tightens his grasp on her as the two continue walking.

Ruby: Thanks, Blake.

The generator finally reaches operational capacity, and power is restored to Schnee Manor.

Whitley, who is waiting in his father's study, practically pounces on the keyboard of the desktop terminal as Weiss looks on. Y/N leans against the door of the room.

Blake seems satisfied at a job well done, but her ears droop, and her expression turns to one of shock as she regards something behind the camera.

Ruby: What?

A man's silhouette can be seen in front of a flash of lightning through a window behind Ruby. He's smiling.

Klein and Willow are waiting uneasily in Weiss' bedroom. A distant shatter of glass has them startled.

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now