Chapter 15: Logan

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"I whipped up some quick omelettes too, but you're allowed to have six pieces of bacon," she added while my eyes tracked over the kitchen.

Ellie was an interesting cook. Her food was amazing but she also destroyed the kitchen in the process while she made it. My eyes looked over at the giant piles of bowls and utensils spread over every inch of the small counters, along with wrappers and egg shells. Right when I remembered dishes were my duty, my eyes landed on the already full sink.

"Allowed to, huh?" I grinned at her bossiness and crossed my arms over my chest. "How long have you been up?"

"A while," was all she replied and moved the bacon onto a plate lined with paper towels.

I just watched as Ellie climbed right onto a counter, pulled out another plate from an upper cabinet, then shimmied down. Before I teased her, she grabbed an omelette from a pan on the stove, set it on a plate with exactly six pieces of bacon, then handed me the plate with a glass of milk and a fork.

"It's spinach, mushroom, and feta." She nodded at the omelette when I took the plate.

"For the rest of the week, I made low-carb breakfast burritos." She pointed at a pile of wrapped-up log-shaped somethings on the counter near the fridge. "You can just reheat those whenever you want, two per day."

"Thanks Ellie." I smiled at her over the slight amount of steam that lifted from my plate.

Definitely can get used to this.

"We'll have to do leftover lasagna again tonight," she spoke like she was sorry about that. "I don't start at the library until Wednesday because they're training new people, so I'll go to the grocery store tonight after I stop by your practice."

"You're stopping by practice?" I echoed while I sat down and destroyed Ellie's bacon bite by bite.

"Not for you, sorry." Her lips twitched into a faint smile. "Monique texted me about Darrius so I need to chew him a new asshole about his slack in eating."

"I'd like to see that." I chuckled at the mental image of Ellie's tiny frame while she took on a 6ft6, 260-pound offensive lineman who probably weighed more like 275 now. While I sure hadn't seen a softer side to Darrius, Emmitt had told me that Ellie had a special place in the big man's life.

I have to see this. Ellie chewing out Darrius Williams is probably like watching a chihuahua snap at a Saint Bernard.

"I can go with you to the grocery store," I offered between bites of a ridiculously good omelette. I wasn't sure how Ellie had made ingredients that I didn't like separately taste good together, but I had no complaints. Within a few bites, I'd inhaled that too.

"We'll play it by ear," was all she replied and grabbed her backpack from the floor. "Have a good first day of class, Logan."

"Wait up," I reached down and grabbed my bag from where I'd left it near the table. "I'll walk with you."

"But you don't start until nine." Her dark eyes looked curiously up at me.

"I'm going to walk around, make sure I can find all the buildings." While Ellie had shown me vaguely where the science buildings were, I wanted to make sure I got to the right one.

"Makes sense," she said calmly.

Ellie helped me while we cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. After we exited the apartment building and crossed over a few streets, the familiar brick and cement-detailed buildings came into view. Campus looked a lot different now that the rest of the student body had shown up, although I assumed the sidewalks would be much more crowded for classes later than eight.

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