"Let me get dress first before we talk" I said. Then both of them agreed. I pushed myself up from the bed forgotten the fact that I can't walk by myself. But both of them quickly caught me from falling.

"You fucker how can you have fun with my sister's body?" Wonshik asked grabbing him again by his collar.

"Just shut the up you two and let me get dressed" I shouted making them turn their attention to me.

"I'll help you get dressed" Hyungwon was about to approach me but Wonshik grabbed his clothes.

"You're going with me" he said dragging Hyungwon inside the bathroom. "Just call my name if you're finished" Wonshik peek out from the door once more before closing the bathroom door.

God, of all people why does it have to be Wonshik who's working for Hyungwon. I wore the clothes that Hyungwon gave me as fast as I can. Then after I finished I called Wonshik and they both come up with Wonshik still holding Hyungwon by his clothes.

"Can you let him go?" I asked Wonshik then he look over Hyungwon before looking at me.

"What if he suddenly run away, what if he doesn't want to take responsibility. I know him to well, he's not the type of guy who'll settled for one girl" Wonshik explained.

"What? I'm the one who'll run away? Why don't you asked your sister? I should be the one asking to take responsibility" Hyungwon said.

"You fucker how can yo---" Wonshik was cut off.

"Stop, I told him to forget about this mistake" I said making Wonshik shocked.

"See? I told you. She wanted to pretend that nothing happened between us" Hyungwon said.


"What?! I have a boyfriend and this was just a mistake" I explained.

"How can you call this a mistake?" They both asked.

"Cause I was drunk" I said.

"I've told you so many times that I won't buy that reason" Hyungwon said.

"But doesn't changed the fact that you've cheated" Wonshik said.

"And the fact that you jumped on me telling me to not hold back" Hyungwon said.

"How bold of you" Wonshik said giving me the face.

"Wait? So you're going to take his side now?" I asked him.

"Mistake or not, even if Hyungwon forgot about this it won't change the fact that you've cheated on your boyfriend" Wonshik told me.

"How many time do I have to tell you I was drunk?"

"I'm not listening, I told you I won't buy that reason" Hyungwon told me crossing his arms.

"So just forget about what happened and Seungwoo won't know about it" I said.

"Ravi look at your sister, is she really like that? She's so heartless" Hyungwon said clinging into Wonshik. I didn't said a thing and just rolled my eyes on Hyungwon.

"Nami we didn't raised you like that" Wonshik said.

"How many time do I have to tell you that I'm drunk" I said standing up from the bed and making my way to the door but my legs can't stay still.

"Acting tough" Hyungwon whispered at me as I fell into his arms.

"Get your hands off me" I said and he didn't hesitate to let go making me fall on the ground.

"Hyungwon" Wonshik helped me to stand up letting me sit back to the bed and glare at Hyungwon.

"What? I just did what she told me to" Hyungwon innocently said.

"But when I told you to forget what happened last night you refuse to do it" I said.

"That's a different case" Hyungwon smile at me.

"You asshole!"

"But you seduced this asshole last night" Hyungwon arrogantly said.

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did"

"You're the worst why would I seduce you?" I said.

"Why would you call me the worst when you felt the best last night" Hyungwon said.

"You don't call yourself the worst? Even the fact that you don't have bed manners" I fought back.

"Bed manners? So are you saying I didn't treat you well on bed?"

"Then what? You call that bed manners when you almost broke my back and you even dump your cum inside me" I said.

"Yah! How dare you say that I don't have manners in bed? Yeah I maybe cum inside you but I also help you take it all out, I even cleaned you up" he said staring at me.

"YAH! I DON'T WANNA HEAR HOW YOU TWO FUCK LAST NIGHT" Wonshik shouted gaining both of our attention. The fact that I keep on talking about how was my night last night forgetting about my brother being here in the same room as us made me want to disappear from Earth because of embarrassment.

"You two keep on acting like a child but you two almost create a child last night" Wonshik said crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Now how will we handle this situation?"

"I've told you we just have to forget about ----"

"No no no nu-uh" Hyungwon said cutting me off.

"Then what do you want to do Hyungwon?" Wonshik asked.

"Take responsibility like how guys take responsibility when they made a girl pregnant" Hyungwon said raising his eyebrows at me.

"I have a boyfriend!"

"You didn't think about him when we're in bed" Hyungwon confidently said.

"Well, that's what going to happen I think" Wonshik told me.


"Well, when hyung found out about this you'll receive a lot of scolding" Wonshik said. "And that includes you too" he added pointing over Hyungwon.

"They won't know if you'll not tell them" I said.

"Just take responsibility for me" Hyungwon said.

"Shut up" I responded rolling my eyes on him.

"I'll won't tell them about this but I'll give you a week to fix this or else I'll also get in trouble" Wonshik said.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Work this out between you and Hyungwon, take responsibility" Wonshik suggested.

"And my boyfriend?"

"Break up with him" Wonshik said.

It's been a while guys! Sorry if I took so long. Btw Wonshik and Ravi are the same person. Wonshik is his real name but Hyungwon knew him as Ravi.

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