CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 5

Start from the beginning

Draco blinked in surprise and then glared suspiciously at him. "And just how do you know that, Bellamy Blake?"

Bellamy blushed a little as he answered, "Helen told me about it when I asked her what kind of magical education she and you guys went through before you graduated and then moved to another country back then. Although--I'm surprised you didn't ask Luna about it, Murphy."

Murphy blushed brighter than Bellamy's, even though his blush was not visible in his slightly dark tanned skin and Murphy mumbled in soft mutters. "I was...kinda caught up over something at the time that I didn't think about it."

Bellamy grinned slyly while Draco mentally rolled his eyes upon knowing that Murphy still got his ongoing crush on Luna and he was oblivious at the fact that Luna is starting to feel the same when Draco noticed this. Fortunately, Draco still didn't know about Bellamy's crush on Helen and he didn't ask about it, much to Bellamy's relief, when Draco trusted Helen for telling some parts of their life back in the past and won't divulge anything more about what they agreed on the particular kind of secrets they're still hiding from the others, such as the Mages were from another universe.

Speaking of secrets, Draco and Neville both know that they need to confirm what kind that their former schoolmates are hiding from the Mundane and catch up on how long they've been in this new world when they admitted that these two and some others followed after them. They didn't realize that someone else had found out about their plans and decided to follow their example from moving on to new lives as they transfer to different worlds and such.

Discovering Susan Bones and Theodore Nott and their statement that other Mages are somewhere out there here in this world--changes everything when they thought that the four Mages are the only ones there, despite there's also the other discovery about the different kind of magical beings, such as the Sparks, as well as the twisting change in this world's history on magic.

However, there's the one question that came to mind from one of the two Mage males--or rather two, in Draco's mind.

"Since when did you learn how to fly a Mundane plane, Nott?" Draco inquired in a slightly demanding tone. "More importantly--what the bloody hell were you two thinking and doing, flying around and about in the skies on that airplane, and then suddenly landing here?"

Susan and Theodore exchanged uncertain looks like they're silently reading each other's minds and then Theodore asked his housemate Draco seriously, "How many are all of you survivors actually?"

Draco blinked in surprise and confusion at Theodore's odd question but Neville was the one who answered him. "Twenty-three. Most of them are Mundane, as well as there are children too but there are about eleven of us magical beings, that's also including the young 'Sparks' mixed in."

Upon hearing the emphasized word-term of 'Sparks' that Neville pointed out, it was obvious in a way for their two former schoolmates to understand that in this world, there are also magical people like them too but in a different kind and the two of them nodded dimly in response of their understanding of it.

Susan replied before Neville or Draco was about to ask why Theodore asked that weird question. "We have our own group of survivors too. Actually, there are fifteen of us in total. Eight of them are Mundane, and there are seven of us Magical beings but two of them are Sparks like you said and called them as such."

"Where are they?" Bellamy asked instantly, liking the prospect there will be a major addition of survivors, even with the magical kind.

Theodore gestured with a small nod of his head towards another direction from where they're standing. "It's about five or six clicks, I think, east from here when Susan and I had left and flew on the plane to scout around for a good shelter. When I saw the cabin, I didn't think of it at the time and had to land right there near next to it but then I didn't realize upon missing that I landed straight into a frozen lake. I'm sorry."

"Don't blame yourself for your mistake, it happens," Draco reassured his fellow Slytherin friend.

"Six it really that far?" Murphy asked, trying to figure out what Theodore meant by that.

Theodore winced and clarified. "Actually, it's not. I'm still getting used to the kind of Mundane slang you people used to talk with and trying to learn it well. Sorry about that too."

Murphy shrugged, "It's okay. You should have seen your old friends Draco and Neville messing up with some of the words or sayings as they try to make up for it on learning our kind of slang language."

"Hey!" Neville cried hurt at Murphy's joking tone when he said that.

Draco said blankly, retorting sharply at him. "I resent that kind of remark you just made, Mister Murphy!"

Bellamy quickly intervened before this might turn into some kind of silly argument between them so he asked Theodore, who seemed amused that Draco was about to start some kind of verbal fight with one of their Mundane friends. "Do you know the way back?"

Theodore nodded in silent answer and then asked another question. "I don't suppose you have a car? I'm pretty sure the plane we just used--is no longer in any commission, of the sorts."

"Obviously!" Susan snorted slightly and her statement made Theodore blush lightly in embarrassment.

"Hmm...well, at least, Neville isn't the only one around here that I'm not going to trust driving Mundane transportation," Draco said lightly.


This time, Bellamy and Murphy chuckled at Draco's joke just as they walked back to the cabin with the two new survivors and go drive using the trailer to pick up more of them with Theodore Nott's direction.


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