CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 2

Start from the beginning

The ones who are going to scout the abandoned cabin and the land around and about, are Draco, Bellamy, Murphy, and Neville as they agreed and respectively chose one another and decided to group together and check it out.

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It was easy when they went through the metal-wiring fence surrounding the private land and cabin when it looked like it wasn't given additional security measures such as sharp bits to be placed up high on the edges to make it hard for climbers and even electric shockers wired into the metal fence to prevent any intruders from breaking into the richly-bought compound and entire place.

But the four young men are not letting their guard down at all, as they kept being on the alert and with their weapons drawn out, in case something bad lurking about or from the inside of the cabin might come out and attack them. So far, it's still quiet and eerily silent as they looked around the plain field of the private land, which was meant to be some sort of crops field to farm fruits or vegetables from the looks of it and judging by the abandoned crates of soil and fertilizer scattered about.

However, when they moved forward and get a little closer to the cabin, all their forms seemed to grow tenser by the time they near the main entrance of that seemingly abandoned luxurious kind of homey cabin.

"Okay, then...I don't suppose there's a chance we just ring the doorbell or knock on the door to check and see if anybody might still be home in there?" Neville asked nervously, trying to sound like he's easing the dark tension that's spread among the four of them.

Draco rolled his eyes like Neville's idea was the most ridiculous. Bellamy agreed when he voiced out uncertainly, "I'm sure that if there were anyone living inside there...they would have come out and confronted us the moment we broke in through the fence."

"Still...I think Neville's got a point though--does anyone here want to take a chance into finding out if there's really nobody else home in there?" Murphy asked sarcastically, already looking like he doesn't want to volunteer or be chosen to go first and check it out from the inside of that seemingly abandoned cabin, and end up badly hurt or something worse like getting eaten unexpectedly by some monster that might be hidden and lurking in there.

Before Bellamy was about to voice out that he'll check it out and was readying his rifle, he nearly got startled by surprise when Draco was the one who boldly moved first, stepping forward to get to the door and open it as he'll check it out but the mage was stopped from reaching the door's handle when Bellamy grabbed him swiftly by the shoulder.

Draco froze by the unexpected touch and he slowly turned his head around to glare right at Bellamy with a pointed look that says meaningfully. 'What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?'

Bellamy instantly knew that he and Draco are good leaders for the group but they butt heads when it comes to making decisions to do what's right and good for the others, even sacrificing themselves for it, whether it's stupidly brave or foolish to do so.

Bellamy knew what he had to do, to ease and make this agreeable for the two of them, so he pursed his lips and he instantly held a fist out at Draco, showing that they'll do the 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' voting to see who will be the very one to go first and check it out.

Draco calmly cocked a brow at him upon understanding this mundane game and gave him a look that says 'Seriously?' but he also held out a fist and they quickly pumped them twice until the third fist pump showed which hand form they let out and revealed who won and lost. While Neville and Murphy stand by silently amused upon witnessing this and it's a bit of a surprise for Neville that Draco knew this little hand-game that's the 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' thing.

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