CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 2

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Murphy looked at Neville with a sudden weird look as he pointed out, "You do know that the snobby blond that's your brother back there is not going to be very pleased if he found out that this is the reason why you went out with our new monster buddy here. You have noticed that he barely tolerates the little guy and he's not going to be very happy if we come back with another one, right? Even if it's another friendly?"

"I'm sure Helen, Luna, and a few others would also agree with me and--" Neville said calmly, instantly trailing off from his words when Charlotte suddenly cried out.

"Guys! I think Type found something!"

Sure enough, they heard Type giving out curious whining or yelping sounds like it found something that must be living or nesting inside the slightly dark abandoned falling-apart barn that they're standing outside at.

Neville beamed but Charlotte and Murphy both tensed upon hearing those sounds from Type like a monster must be in there and it could either be good--or very bad.

"Hey, Type! What you got there, buddy...?" he was about to call out to their friend.

But then it looks like the question on whatever that is lurking inside the abandoned building was swiftly answered by the loud-sounding and very telling menacing growl that instantly sent chilling shivers down the humans' spines, and then there was a sudden clattering noise and Type yelped and yipped in frightened cries which got Neville, Murphy, and Charlotte instantly react into action upon hearing them.

"Okay! Definitely not a friendly!" Neville cried out, backing a few steps away in alarm upon instantly figuring out what hearing those particular sounds clearly mean for them.

"Come on, Type! Come back!" Charlotte cried and called out for their pet monster friend.

"We gotta go! Come on--let's go NOW!" Murphy almost yelled out loud when Type came running fast back to Charlotte and jumping into her arms in a small Terrier dog form, startling her and showing that whatever monster Type had encountered, is truly a dangerous bad one--and it seemed like it's very pissed off upon being disturbed in its dwelling by the intruders.

They quickly ran the way back to their campsite, not sticking around to find out what kind of dangerous bad monster that's coming out and didn't want to see it up-close and personal since their lives depended on it literally.

Even though they had brought their formidable enchanted weapons with them so that they can go against any kind of bad monster out there in the wilderness, they decided to rather not take the chance on trying to fight and beat it, since it was very obvious with the way how Type is shivering anxiously in Charlotte's arms and whining feverishly with fear and worry for its humans from the monster that it encountered minutes before in that abandoned building.

So they ran as fast as they can, trekking the path back to where their campsite is and the magical trailer is also parked there too.

They made it just in time when Draco and Bellamy were just about finished setting up their small makeshift campsite that they'll be outdoors only for leisure and relaxation but it looks like they'll be picking them back up and pack in a hurry once the others came back and told them the urgent news of their sudden encounter from their run.

Jack was the one who volunteered as a lookout but he was at the other side of the magic trailer and campsite from the scouting group as he didn't notice them return in a frantic hurry upon guarding in another side of their area.

So it's a sudden surprise for both Draco and Bellamy as the two of them jumped startled when Murphy, Neville, and Charlotte came running quickly back to camp, all looking out of breath and the teen girl didn't let go of her hold on Type still quivering in her arms.

"Whoa! What the hell?!" Bellamy cried out a little shocked at their unexpected return.

"What the bloody hell, indeed!? Where's the fire?" Draco asked, sounding calm like he's not phased by their panicked overreaction of sorts.

But this time, Draco was sent right into a panic but didn't show it on his face except he tensed when Murphy gasped out aloud between pants, "We gotta leave! Now!"

Like on cue, there were loud crashing sounds and they turned and saw a few trees at a far distance within the forest falling over like they got tumbled and shoved aside by something very BIG--and Draco and Bellamy instantly knew by first sighting glance on the cause of it.

Bellamy ran to warn the others still inside the magic trailer that they'll be driving off and leaving soon and telling them to not come out, just as Draco waved his hands and arms powerfully to magically pack all the camping gear that was set up outside, and it was fortunate that it was only a few stuff or things that were left out there.

Once Draco finished packing the things magically and made them fly inside the magic trailer, nearly surprising Clarke and Octavia as he did that before he rounded straight at Neville and demanded harshly. "Neville, just what the hell did you do this time!?"

"I didn't do anything this time--honest!" Neville spluttered indignantly in protest like he's used to this usual routine of Draco blaming Neville whenever something bad has happened and he's the root cause somehow of the trouble or jinx.

Bellamy would have laughed and Murphy would have been really curious about how was this brought on and asked about it in a demanding yet sly way but then the matter about this will be focused on later when Charlotte suddenly cried out along with Type's frantic barking in her arms. "Guys! Whatever that thing is--it's coming over here FAST!"

More trees were being shoved, tackled, and then fallen over in more loud crashing sounds and there's that same menacing growl that Charlotte, Murphy, and Neville heard before from that abandoned building and when Bellamy and Draco heard it, they all reacted into action swiftly.

"Right, time to cast off--ugh, sorry, wrong choice of words!" Draco uttered, grimacing upon realizing what he just said but then he shook his head and nearly yelled at Bellamy as he gave out firm commands to the group. "Bellamy, you're driving today! Everyone else--get inside now! Jack! Get down from there unless you want to fall off from the roof of the trailer and get left behind once we drive away!"

Murphy, Neville, and Charlotte quickly ran inside the trailer to join the others with the teen girl still clutching her monster friend Type in her arms, and Jack quickly climbed down from the lookout post on top of the mobile trailer roof, obeying Draco's orders as the blond mage lingered behind to magically erase the scent of humans from the scene to make sure that the incoming master does not follow after them once they leave. After Draco swiftly finished doing that, he jumped inside the trailer just as it was instantly moving in a brisk fast drive and he shut the door right behind him and locked it and the trailer vehicle quickly drove off, leaving a slight smoke trail at the back wheel end of it.

It didn't take long when they drove away from the spot they were there before for only a short brief moment, and just a few minutes yet longer miles away from the place, they heard a faint bellowing enraged roar and the mages sighed with relief upon recognizing the sound that the monster is giving up upon losing their scent and trail and quickly reassured the others who were tense and anxiously wary upon hearing them.

Bellamy sighed with relief when Draco came to sit down beside him as navigator and told him about it when he heard the echoing roar, then the blond man directed him on where else they need to go and drive the trailer down whatever road they'll be going through to find another place that could be safe for them and where they could rest. But it looks like it's going to be a while for them to find another spot or area for that to happen because it looked like there's no other place that's safe for them, except they are fortunate that there are magical Mages in this group that will ensure their safety and security for all of them.


MONSTERS, MAGIC, AND LOVE (Harry Potter x The 100 TV - crossover Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora