Chapter Ninety Six

Start from the beginning

When Wang Bao lifted his head to see Nakai had finally come back his face contorted and he began bawling. The nurses darted out of the way as Nakai moved to stand in front of Wang Bao, he caressed Wang Bao's red cheeks before stepping back to look at Wang Bao's condition. While Nakai was trying to comfort Wang Bao, the doctor worked quickly to strap monitors to Wang Bao's belly and put an IV in. Wang Bao was unable to turn his tears off once he saw Nakai and clung to the large man. Nakai was metanlly cursing himself for not being there and continued rubbing Wang Bao's cheek. Before they could get too close, the doctor checked over the baby's heart rate and announced sternly.

"We have to get him into surgery, the baby's heart rate is under strain and we don't have much time before the baby starts moving."

Wang Bao was quickly helped to lay back in the bed by Nakai and his bed was wheeled towards the next room, Nakai along with the group of people behind him wanted to follow into the surgery room and the doctor held his hands up in an X shape.

"Only the soon-to-be-parents can come through. Everyone else is a no go."

Nakai was ushered in but before he could fully get in he felt someone catch his arm. When he turned around, he saw Wang Lei was on the verge of collapsing again while gripping his arm tightly. Although Wang Lei looked weak in this moment, his voice was strong.

"Don't let anything happen to my Brother, if you need to, choose him."

"I know. Take care of yourself now Lei."

Nakai put his hand over Wang Lei's and squeezed it before Nera helped Wang Lei to lay down on another bed. In the room a shield had already been propped up over Wang Bao's chest to stop the gore from being seen as well as catch any blood spray. The nurses all took their positions at their stations and the doctor walked with Nakai to stand beside Wang Bao. The doctor was sterilised and his gloved hands up as he looked down at Wang Bao.

"We'll start now, just breathe and relax."

Wang Bao was clearly nervous and Nakai stroked his hair to help calm him. The doctor stepped to stand beside Wang Bao's navel before he was handed a scalpel. Nakai watched closely as the doctor made a long incision into Wang Bao. Cotton pads were used to soak up any blood and a deeper incision was made. Wang Bao couldn't feel anything but the medicine didn't make him feel less scared.


"I'm here, you're okay."

Nakai wiped the stray tears that fell from Wang Bao's eyes, only, once he wiped Wang Bao's tears, more came. Wang Bao was having trouble breathing properly now and his breathing was more like gasping. A nurse came over but Nakai sent her away and he held Wang Bao's face firmly.

"Look at me Wang Bao. Breathe."

Wang Bao tried to take in a slow breath but his mind was racing, maKing it difficult. Nakai repeated his order but with more force, as if he was ordering a soldier, not his lover. Hearing how gruff Nakai's voice could get, made Wang Bao jump and he took in a steady breath. From behind the cover the doctor sliced open Wang Bao's womb. Nakai made sure to rub Wang Bao's cheek while the doctor explained what he was doing.

"I'm going to try and remove the baby while they are in the amniotic sac.... I'm pulling the sac out now."

The doctor had both hands inside of Wang Bao and slid them under the sac. His face was serious as he held the heavyweight of the baby and the nurse had a cart waiting with towels on top. The trolley was beside Wang Bao in order to allow the parents to see their new baby and as soon as the sac was placed down on the towel it popped. Liquid mixed with blood, soaking the towels and the cries of a baby filled the room. The doctor and nurses were worKing to get Wang Bao stitched up while another nurse pulled Wang Bao's gown away, the screaming baby was placed on Wang Bao's chest to start skin to skin. Both Nakia and Wang Boa were shell shocked as they looked at the baby. Nakai moved his hand to rest on the baby's back before he leaned down and kissed Wang Bao on his temple. The baby was larger than the doctor had thought it would be during their appointments, instead of looKing like a larger than normal human baby, the baby was more like a Giant baby that was on the small side. Feeling the weight of the baby that used to be inside him, now resting on his chest while they cried loudly was an odd sensation for Wang Bao, he found himself almost wanting to scream that he wanted out of the room. While Nakai was busy kissing Wang Bao's face tenderly, the nurse came back with a pair of scissors.

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