The guys give them nods of acknowledgement with warm smiles before returning to what they were doing. One of them was sketching some sort of couture on a headless mannequin. Another was typing furiously on one of the school's laptops. Then there were about two couples. You could tell by how cozy they were with each other. One of the two was the non-clingy type. They were both doing two different things. The girl was busily constructing what looked like a plan for a building with various shapes of rulers on the table as well as a protractor and compasse, she was definitely from the technical side of the school and her boyfriend was sharing a laugh with another guy on the table. He had a hand over her seat and even though they seemed like polar opposites, any onlooker could sense some chemistry.

The other couple were practically leaning into each other having a very hushed conversation, Faye begun to wonder how she could barely hear anything from them and yet they were communicating.

" Wow, you really went all April on us"  Faye chuckles Ivy's way.

" Oh you guys have met her?, She's my supervisor and the marketing director of The WYRE. Bossiest supervisor ever, but she gets the magazines sold out so what can I say..." The guy typing says still with his eyes glued to the screen.

" Duuuuh, of course they know April. She's in their dorm. They are Ivy's dorm mates." Hushed- couple- girlfriend points out.

" I know them, I've been printing over hundred copies of their faces for the middle page of the school magazine." Trendy informs Ivy.

" She's the editor in chief of the THE WYRE." Ivy adds just to clarify her statement.

" Really?, I have a friend who does poetry. Can I please bring you some of her work?, She's really good" Faye lights up referring to Kweiba.

" Sure, why not. If it's good, I'll  get Magnet to have a look and if he approves of it then we can queue it for publishing." Trendy replies with a grin.

" Moro approves of stuff at The Wyre?" Faye wonders.

" Ooooh, someone knows him personally." Technical girl's boyfriend smirks.

" Ummm, not really. " Faye denies.

" Yeah. He's our Content Creator . That means he gets to approve and disapprove any idea we bring in. His job is just to keep the magazine interesting with no boring articles. So make sure you tune up your poetry cause he's very picky."  Trendy explains.

" Thanks so much. I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Faye says with an appreciative smile.

" Here, please sign." Ciarra hands her the sheet on a clipboard with a pen.

" Okay." Ivy agreed. It was this simple with Ivy. They were waiting for the worst that was yet to come.

A shadow is cast unto the sheet just after she was done inscribing the date and everyone looked  back. It was Sylvester.

Ivy's eyes lapsed into slits as she sighed and got back in her seat. The girls looked at each other, not knowing whether to leave or not. This was the only uncomfortable moment with Ivy- The moment Sylvester walks in.

Honestly, Sylvester looked like your perfectly sweet hot boyfriend, with his catchy smile and he had that entire teenage Drake thing going on. He also had this calming summer breeze cologne that made you feel less mad at him. But still, the girls felt something off about him that made them know Ivy definitely didn't deserve that kind of guy.

" Hey everyone." He finally said and hushed couple's girlfriend rolls her eyes.

Technical girl finally looks up from her work and speaks up, " Take a hint Sly. She doesn't want to talk to you."

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