Black Cat: It is. But we're about to make it much more fun.

She threw out a grappling hook and swung off.

Black Cat: Try to keep up, Spider!

You watched her for a moment before you shrugged. You ran to the edge of the building and took the leap.
Gwen: This blows.

Betty looked at her friend as she laid on the couch with a book on her face.

Betty: What does?

Gwen sat up, dropping the book which nearly hit Murder Face, and turned to her roommate/bandmate/friend.

Gwen: Y/N isn't answering and I have nothing to do tonight.

Betty: Oh. He said he had some kind of date.

Gwen's eyes grew wide. You had a date? You didn't mention that to her. Or George. And if you did, he didn't say anything.

Betty: You look surpise. Guessing he didn't tell you?

Gwen: N-No. Wait, I thought you two were dating.

Betty snorted before she laughed.

Betty: Me and Y/N?! No way jose. We both agreed that we could never be a serious couple.

Gwen: Well, then, do you know who he's with?

Betty: Nope.

Gwen: Do you know where they went?

Betty: Nope.

Gwen: Are they a couple or are they just hooking up?

Betty: Nope and nope.

Gwen: Well....

Betty: Gwen, I love you, but stop asking me questions I don't know the answers to. Just ask Y/N yourself.

Gwen shifted before she looked at her phone. There was once a time the two of you told each other everything. There were no secrets.

But now, things were just different.

And it was her fault.

She just groaned and laid back down.
Black Cat: When it comes to foreign shipping, three ports reign supreme. Houston, TX, San Francisco, CA, and New York City, NY.

You were couching down beside Black Cat ontop of a shipping crate that overlooked the port of New York City. You had no idea why you were here, but there were a few men with guns down below.

Black Cat: At least that's what the guy with the Snakeskin jacket said. He wouldn't shut up about it. It was all he talked about.

Y/N: So why are we here, Cat?

Black Cat: Because he also talked a deal, and money. He talked for too long with no care of who was listening. Big mistake.

You looked at her as she tapped the black markings around her eyes. Her vision zoomed in on the men from two different gangs as they talked.

Y/N: Wait, is this a robbery?

Black Cat: No. We aren't stealing anything. Don't you worry your handsome head.

You weren't exactly sold on that. But you also didn't exactly have much of a choice right now. If something was going on, whether it involved Murdock or not, you needed to do something.

You looked down at the men below as they met.

Thug: We would see the product now.

Boss: In time. Open them.

The Astonishing Spider-Man Vol. 2 (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now