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I look forward and see Cinder running towards me. 

Y/N: "Heal."

All the arrows fly out of me and my injures heal themselves. I hold my sword out and clash blades with Cinder. She tries to overpower me when I smile and open my mouth.

Y/N: "Ricochet."

Her body is lifted off the ground and violently thrown around the academy like a pinball. When she comes back to me I speak again.

Y/N: "Stop."

She stops a few inches from me when I speak a hammer to me. I bring it up and slam it down on her head. She slams her face on the ground and has her Aura shattered. She tries to get up but I swing the hammer again and knock her out. I turn around to see a giant man trying to crush Ozpin. 

I bring back my hammer and run at the giant. I slam my hammer into his back which only annoys him. He turns around and tries to grab me. I dive between his legs and take out his legs with my hammer. He goes into the air when I slam him into the ground with my hammer. He lands on his back then grabs my ankle.

I am lifted up and slammed onto the ground twice. The giant then spins me around knocking Nora and Ren away. The giant lifts me above his head and goes to bring me down on his knee. Luckily Neo comes to my rescue and cuts the giant's chest.

I manage to break free and draw my sword. I slash at his back which makes him turn around to crush me. I quickly dodge and cut his chest while Neo gets behind him and cuts his back. He groans in annoyance then slams his fists on the ground. Neo and I are launched back and land on our backs.

Y/N: *signs* "He's tough."

Neo: *mouths* "We can beat him... together."

I smile and we both rush forward. Neo vaults over the giant catching his attention. With him distracted I cut both of his knees bringing him down to his knees. Neo then kicks his back making him fall towards me. I speak the hammer again and swing it upwards. 

I hit the giant's chin making him fall onto his back. Neo jumps onto my hammer when I launch her into the air. She makes several clones and they all slam their feet onto the giant's chest. His Aura shatters and he is taken out of the fight. We look back and see everyone finishing up their fight. When we regroup we hear this disembodied woman's voice.

Woman: "Well done. You managed to beat all of my servants."

Qrow: "Who are you?"

Ozpin: "Salem."

Yang: "What're you doing here!?"

Salem: "I've had my eyes on you heroes for quite awhile. But only one of you interests me the most."

Ozpin: "Who?"

Salem: "Y/N."

Qrow: "Why're you so interested in him?"

Salem: "Anyone can swing a sword and fire a gun to cause damage, but Y/N is special. He can cause untold death and destruction with his mere voice."

Ozpin: "What do you want?"

Salem: "To merely see his power for myself."

Suddenly a purple portal opens in front of us.

Salem: "Step through the portal so I may see your legendary power in person."

I clench my fists and walk to the portal while ignoring the clamoring of the others. I get ready to step through when I hear boots coming to towards me. I look and see Neo walking to me. I walk to Neo to see tears brewing in her eyes.

Neo: *signs* "Don't go. Let me help you. I don't want to see you get hurt."

I look at Neo's concerned filled eyes before hugging her. She returns it and I feel her body relax. I pull her closer then speak.

Y/N: "Stay."

Her body stiffens as I break free from her embrace and see everyone frozen still. I walk back to the portal when I hear a very soft voice.

Neo: "Y/N."

I turn around and see Neo speaking with tears falling down her cheeks.

Neo: "Please don't go. I was already left by Roman. I don't want you to leave too. So please, let me come with you."

I look down before bringing my hands up.

Y/N: *signs* "I don't know how this fight will end so in case I don't make it there's something I need to tell you. I'm losing my voice; the doctor said my semblance is killing my voice every time I use it. So before I do what I'm about to do I want to use what voice I have left to tell you one thing."

I lower my hands and open my mouth.

Y/N: "I love you."

I turn around and hop through the portal to face Salem.

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