The Stranger

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Nora: "New day new adventures."

Ruby: "What's on today's schedule?"

Jaune: "Walking."

Nora: "With?"

Ren: "More walking."

Ruby: "Haven is far farther than I thought."

Ren: "How long did you think it would take us?"

Ruby: "Don't know, I've never been this far from home."

Neo: *mouths* "Right but how long?"

Ruby: "Two weeks maybe."

Jaune: "What!?"

Ruby: "Fine maybe three." *points* "What's that?"

We look where she's pointing to see the tops of buildings.

Jaune: "That's weird, I didn't think we'd hit another town for at least a few days."

Nora: "Are those building... damaged."

Jaune: "Come on."

We run into the town and feel relieved seeing that it's just unfinished and not damaged. We look around when Nora calls us over and we see a sign with a name on it.

Nora: "Oniyuri? Doesn't ring any bells."

Ren: "I know of it. In many ways it was supposed to be Anima's Mountain Glenn if it had been finished. Back in the day the richest of Mistral worked together and built this town. Many believed it would be the future, my parents sure did."

Jaune: "What happened?"

Ren: "What always does."

Ruby: "Grimm."

Ren: "Not just any, one."

Ruby: "One?"

Jaune: "Let's get out of here, this place creeps me out."

We begin walking out of the village when Ren motions for us to stop. We draw our weapons when Ren brings his weapon up and blocks a downward strike from a man with wrist blades. I rush to them and swing my sword at him. He twists his body and kicks me towards the ground. I look up and see him kick Ren away.

I jump to my feet and swing my sword downwards only for the stranger to catch it. Neo comes running in and cuts the stranger's back. He growls before grabbing my wrist and spinning me into Neo. I look back at the stranger to see Nora swing her hammer. The stranger simply jumps onto her hammer and flings himself into a building.

Ren: "Who are you!?"

Stranger: "I am of no concern to you. I only concern those two."

He points at me and Ruby which shocks everyone.

Ruby: "Why us?"

Stranger: "It's more so on him, but you're needed too."

Nora: "We won't let you take them."

Stranger: "Good."

He disappears and quickly reappears behind Jaune. I run to him and kick the stranger away. He goes flying to Neo who swings her parasol. Her parasol hits the stranger's jaw and sends him towards Ruby. She brings back her scythe when the stranger recovers and flips over her scythe. He then wraps his arms around her and aims a scorpion tail to her neck.

Stranger: "Unless you want her to die then you'll all drop your weapons and hand me the boy."

Y/N: *mouths* "You won't have us!"

Stranger: "Wrong choice."

He brings his wrist blade to her neck and smiles. Thankfully this black blur comes flying in and cuts Ruby free.

Man: "You will leave these kids alone creep."

Tyrian: "My name is Tyrian and I must complete my assignment from my master."

Ruby: "Master?"

Man: "Salem."

Tyrian runs at the man and they lock blades. The man kicks Tyrian in his ribs then kicks him in his jaw. Tyrian slams his back against a building wall when the man zips to him and gut punches Tyrian. Tyrian recovers and high kicks the man upwards. The man grabs a wooden beam then balances on it.

Tyrian jumps and takes out the beam while they both land on the roof of the building. The man begins running when Tyrian falls through the roof. The man is pulled with him and the roof collapses in them. 

The man comes out the side of the building and uses his sword to stop himself. Ruby runs to help the man only to be hit into the side of a building. I spot a rafter piece about to fall on her but the man saves her. His save leaves him open to be cut by Tyrian's stinger. I growl before opening my mouth.

Y/N: "Freeze."

Tyran's body stops which allows me to get close to him and ram my sword through his chest. His body falls to the ground and I holster my sword. My chest begins cramping and I begin coughing. I suppress it as best I can to avoid alerting the others. Once my coughing fit stops we bandage up the man and set up camp for the day.

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