The Diagnoses

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My chest starts cramping and I begin coughing like an out of breath smoker. I am brought down to my hands and knees and begin dry heaving and coughing. I let out a long heave and feel my coughing coming to a stop. I stand up and figure it's time I get to the bottom of my coughing. 

I head to the kingdom's hospital and am led to one of the rooms. I patiently wait on the examination table when the doctor walks in looking at his clipboard.

Doctor: "What seems to be the problem?"

Y/N: *signs* "I have this cough. It started off small but lately it's been getting worse to the point I almost throw up."

The doctor puts his stethoscope in and place the end on my chest.

Doctor: "Breath."

Y/N: *breaths*

Doctor: *shifts stethoscope* "Good again."

Y/N: *breaths* 

Doctor: *takes out stethoscope* "Your lungs seem to be working properly so it's not them. What exactly is your semblance?"

Y/N: "Basically if I were to tell you to die then you actually would."

Doctor: "So whatever you say happens?"

Y/N: "Correct."

Doctor: "Interesting."

The doctor reaches into a draw and pulls out a endoscope. I look at him as he comes closer.

Doctor: "Open."

I open my mouth which makes the doctor place the camera end down my throat. The doctor grabs the other end and a blue light shines off him. A projection then comes out of his left eye and I see the inside of my throat. 

Doctor: "This will allow us to see your vocal cords."

The doctor moves the camera and I see weird vines against a squishy pink wall. I look at the doctor and point at the projection. He simply smiles and nods.

Doctor: "Those are your vocal cords; let's see if they can tell us anything."

He moves the camera closer then looks at me.

Doctor: "Try using your semblance but make sure nothing bad happens."

I think for a moment before speaking as clearly as I can.

Y/N: "Have a nice day."

We look at my cords to see them shine showing my semblance activating. The camera is moved even closer and after squinting I see very light burn marks form on my vocal cords as they shine. The doctor takes out endoscope which makes my lightly cough.

Y/N: *mouths* "So what's the diagnoses?"

Doctor: "I'm afraid nothing good. You know that old saying words can be venomous?"

Y/N: *nods*

Doctor: "Well going off what I just saw that appears to be the case with you."

Y/N: "Huh?"

Doctor: "Whenever your semblance activates a corrosive effect seems to happen to your vocal cords. By the looks of it if you continue to use your semblance that it's safe to say you're headed for a life without a voice."

Y/N: "So what you're saying is I have to become a mute?"

Doctor: "Yes, it's the only way to preserve your voice."

I hang my head and walk out of the hospital back to the house. Once I arrive I see the others setting up dinner; I also spot Yang and Weiss with us. I walk to the kitchen where I'm hugged by Neo. 

Neo: *signs* "Where were you? We haven't seen you all day." *tilts head* "You okay?"

I hesitate before smiling and nodding my head.

Y/N: *signs* "Yeah, nothing to worry about."

We go eat dinner as a team then after some time we head to the academy. Qrow speaks with the headmaster when a raven appears and transforms into a female looking Qrow. She opens a portal which makes a fireball come out of it and head straight for Ruby. I cut the fireball in half then see Cinder and others walk out of the portal.

I grit my teeth before rushing forward and bringing my sword down on Cinder. She blocks it when I kick her side and launch her to my left. I jump after her and stomp on her only to miss. She flips to her feet and tries to bring a mallet down on me. I roll to the side and speak.

Y/N: "Away."

She is violently throwed backwards and hits the academy wall. I run at her and slam my foot into her ribs. She groans before punching my chest and launching me back with fire. I stop myself and swing my sword cutting away an arrow. I keep swinging as she keeps firing arrows at me. One manages to graze my side making me falter. Soon other arrows pierce me making me drop to my knee. 

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