The Nuckelavee Of Kuroyuri

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We stare at the fire while taking in everything this Qrow guy just told us.

Ruby: "So Maidens are fighters who perform magic without the help of Dust?"

Qrow: "Correct."

Nora: "And there's four of them?"

Qrow: "Always is."

Ren: "And when one dies a female they cared about get their powers?"

Qrow: "Whoever they thought about last, that's what's important. Mainly we want it to be someone whom we can trust."

Jaune: "But what does it all mean though? What's the point?"

Qrow: "The world is really old. To the point dozens of gods have been created. But according to Oz only two were ever actually real. They were the brother gods Light and Darkness. Light created life while his younger brother destroyed it. Their conflicting personalities was the main reason they were always fighting. One day after seeing that their petty fighting couldn't last forever Light made a proposition that they create a final masterpiece together. That masterpiece was Man. He was given four gift; the gift of knowledge to study himself and the world. The gift to both create and destroy stuff. The final gift was choice; the ability to take all that he learned and choose which path he wanted to take. The path of light or darkness."

Ren: "What does that have to do with us?"

Qrow: "Man's four gifts were just metaphorical. They all have a tangible form. Each are extraordinarily powerful on their own. But if you were get all four together then the world could be made however you so wished. And that's just what she is trying to do."

Ruby: "Her, you mean Salem?"

Qrow: "Yep." *sigh* "That's it for story time, time you all got some rest."

We get up and head to our sleeping bags. Come the next morning we see Qrow is worse for wear. We make a stretcher and carry him down the road. We aimlessly walk until we come to a road sign.

Ruby: "Does it say how far we are?"

Ren: "No, but it looks like our path takes us up the mountains."

Jaune: "We won't be able to make that climb."

Ruby: "What about this Kuroyuri place? Could we find help there?"

Ren: "Nothing remains of that place."

Ruby: "But they would've had a doctor right, maybe we could find some medicine."

Ren: "We just have to press on."

Jaune: "Ren, what's-"

Nora: "We can split up. We take the mountains while you guys head into the village. If we make it to Mistral then we can bring back help."

Jaune: "Okay, but promise you'll look after each other."

Nora: "We always have."

They head towards the mountains while we head for the village. We search the ruins of the town but are forced to regroup when we hear a roar in the distance. I look left and see Ren and Nora running to us. I then feel the ground lightly rumble making me look to see a Nuckelavee walking to us.

I draw my sword and run to the Nuckelavee with Neo by my side. We swing our blades and each cut the Nuckelavee's sides. It whinnies and attempts to back kick us. I grab Neo's shoulder and pull her away taking the kick instead. I plow through a building and skid on my back. I stand then feel pain in my right shoulder. I look and see a nasty gash.

Y/N: "Heal."

The wound closes which makes me slightly cough. I ignore it and run back to the Nuckelavee. I run by it and cut its back left leg. Its rider lifts its hands and brings them down on me. I roll to safety and with Neo's help we cut off its arms. The Nuckelavee roars before wildly bucking trying to stomp on us. I jump back and hold out my hands.

Y/N: "Immobile."

The Nuckelavee stops mid buck which allows Ren to use his gun blade to cut the Nuckelavee's head off. Its body bursts into smoke which makes two Mistral airships appear and land near us. We get loaded up and are taken to the great Kingdom of Mistral. After resting up me and the others walk towards the academy when I freeze and feel my chest cramping.

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