☀︎︎ Chapter Fourteen ☀︎︎

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after a thrilling two days in Iceland Betty and Jughead were back on the plane on their way to their final location: London.

the plane finally landed in Heathrow and they could finally have some real food. they absolutely despised plane food, but then who doesn't?

they managed to catch a cab to their hotel, watching the darkened streets of London as they went. it was almost 5 am and the couple were once again: exhausted.

they checked into their hotel and flopped into bed. Jughead stripped off his shirt and passed it to Betty who replaced hers with it. they both take of their jeans before getting under the covers.

"night, Mr Jones." Betty said, once again snuggling into her husbands chest. "good night, Mrs Jones" he replied, kissing her head.


they decided that day they were going to go on a tour if London in one of the open top busses. as they boarded they were handed a set of blue headphones each. they climbed up the steps to the open top of the bus. it was quite a hot day for Britain but they were used to much worse.

they plugged in their headphones and turned the language setting to English. the bus went through most of central London as the guy is their headphones explained what everything was.

they went past Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace, Betty awing at all the pretty buildings. Jughead was more interested into the historical side of the tour, listening intently when the tour guide explained why the buildings were there and when they are built.

they decided to get off to get some lunch. they hunted down a fish and chip shop so they could compare it to the one they had in Iceland.

"i prefer this one." Jughead said, scoffing his fish. "i don't have a preference. both are good in their own ways."

"so inspirational, Mrs Jones." Jughead chuckled, kissing her head. "where'd you wanna go next?"

"ooo let's go on the London Eye!" Betty squealed, pointing to the huge wheel.

"okay! let's goooo" Jughead cheered, jumping off the wall he was sat on. he reached his hands out to Betty who grabbed onto them, helping her down.

after waiting in a very long line and paying the couple were finally on. they were in a pod with a few other people but there was still enough room to move around.

Betty took photos for her instagram and to show off to her friends while Jughead looked down. he took a photo of him and Betty's feet, the window showing slightly showing the ground far below them.

he sent it to the gangs group chat before putting his phone away and wrapping his arms around his wife.


the next day the couple decided to go to the museums. starting off with the Sherlock Holmes Museum. which was fitting.

Jughead was completely geeking out over it while Betty just followed along. she knew how much he had loved Sherlock Holmes; almost as much as he loved the Baxter Brothers.

Betty hadn't read much of the Sherlock Holmes books (apart from the ones Jughead had forced her to read) but she found the exhibits more interesting then she thought she would.

Jughead started talking about him starting to write again and actually get a book published as he wasn't able to because life got in the way.

"that sounds like a great idea, Jug. how would you do it? you wrote about soo much of the crazy stuff that happened to us during High School."

"well i could start with book number one all about Jason Blossom and all of sophomore year-"

"-including our story." Betty interrupted, bumping her shoulder into his.

"of course, baby." he replied, kissing her head. "but i will get consent from everyone to use the story."

Betty nodded as they walked into the next room.

after they finished touring the museum they found a pasty shop to try some more food they had heard of. Jughead got a traditional pasty while Betty got a chicken and onion.

"this is actually really good. i see all the hype around them." Betty says, taking another bite. Jughead replied with a 'mhm' as he scoffed his pasty.

Betty chuckled at her husband, "hungry there, Nr Jones?"

"always am."


it was their last night before having to fly back home. the couple decided to go back to the hotel and order room service. they wanted a nice relaxed evening after the craziness of the past few days.

now they sat in a bath together. Betty's head against his chest. drinks in hand as they wound down. they made small talk in between the comfortable silence that surrounded them. they listened to each other's breathing echoing throughout the tiled room.

Jughead finished his drink before placing it on the sink beside him. his hand fell to Betty's nipple, grazing it lightly.

she breathed heavily as he did this, wanting more. she rested her head back on his shoulder, tilting her head to connect their lips.

he returned the kiss, deepening it. adding tongue overtime. his hand went further down her stomach reaching her clit. he massaged it in circles as she moaned into his mouth.

his fingers reached lower, dipping into her lips. he stroked her gently, slowly inserting his fingers into her.

she disconnected from the kiss, startled by the sudden contact. she arched her back as he went deeper. curling his fingers into her g-spot.

"cum for me, baby." he said, speeding up his pace. her head fell further back onto his shoulder as she came. she cried his name entwined with a string of moans.

the rest of the night was spent in their favourite way and enjoying their time together before they had to step back into reality.

*sniff* *sniff*
do i smell an ending? i think so!
oNe MoRe ChApTeR tO gO
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- A💋

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