You Found Me // Phan // Sad // Angst

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Phan (obv)

Trigger Warning - Implied Suicide



"Bear? I'm home!" Phil shouted, kicking the door shut and walking into their flat with his hands full of bags. "Dan? Where are you?" Phil raised his voice louder in case Dan was in the shower or something and he didn't hear him

Phil shook his head and started to put the shopping away, only to grow irritated with the fact Dan was ignoring him.

"Dan? Where are you? I swear to god if you're going to pull a prank on me again!" Phil's voice sounded through the flat as he walked towards Dan's room, knocking lightly on the door and pushed it open when there was no answer.

Phil's mood plummeted instantly when he couldn't find Dan anywhere he'd usually be, lost in his thoughts, he called Dan, not realising it had gone to voicemail until it beeped "Dan I don't know where you are but if this is some stupid prank its not funny. Anyway, I'm home"

Phil continued to put the shopping away, and checked his phone for messages constantly. Where could Dan have gone? He never goes anywhere without leaving notes everywhere reminding me about when he'll be back. Phil had only been home 15 minutes, even Dan is too impatient to hide for this long if it was a prank.

He checked twitter and tumblr to see if there had been any recent posts, the latest one being 4 hours ago, which was not longer after Phil left to shop, it was just a bunch of emoji's that conveyed stress. He remembered thinking it was about the video he was editing.

He picked up the irrelevant bathroom things i'd bought, a new toothbrush holder, some new shower gel that Dan had been insisting they needed and things for their "lady toiletries" box.

Phil had a bit of a problem getting the bathroom door open with so many things in his hands, but eventually managed to get the door open and put everything on the nearest counter before flicking the light on, greeted by a body slumped in the bath, which was filled half way with water, which was a suspicious shade of translucent red.

Phil's POV

My first instinct was to scream, I then rushed to a cupboard, grabbing a fluffy towel and pulled the person out of the bath, only to see it was Dan.


My Dan.

"Bear?" My throat hurt and I could hardly breathe as I wrapped the towel around Dan's cold, body and held him to me as I called for an ambulance, crying hysterically down the phone, begging them to hurry up and begging Dan to wake up.

"Please, please Dan.. Don't leave me" I whispered, checking for a pulse for the 8th time. I tried everything the person on the other end of the phone told me to do, tears continued to fall over my cheeks.

"Dan, Dan.. I'm sorry.. I didn't.. I.."

"Mr Lester the ambulance should be there any minute, will you be okay or do you need to stay on the phone?"

"Dan, please, don't go, please... I need you, bear... I'm sorry I didn't help you.. I-I.. Dan.."

"Mr Lester?"

"I can't- please.."

"Mr Lester the ambulance is there now, they will do everything they can. Stay safe."

Paramedics rushed in and forced me aside.

Everything began to fall apart as I clamped my hands over my ears and screamed until my lungs ached, everything hurt, I couldn't breathe, I just wanted Dan to laugh and say it was a joke, for him to tell me he was sorry for scaring me and then spam my texts with gifs of kittens until I forgave him. But that didn't happen.

I've lost him

I've lost my Dan

He's gone

The last thing I remember was one of the paramedics trying to calm me from what they later said was the worst case of an anxiety attack they had ever seen.

I love you, Daniel James Howell, and I'm sorry I never got chance to tell you..


A/n-hihihi I was gonna do this differently but I decided not to, um yeah idk don't hate me this was terrible but I've been doing history all day and I'm exhausted but i wanted to write something okay that be all

Ily, take care of yourself♥

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