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It felt like hours before Earth could finally be free of Robin that night. That man stayed for 2 hours before he decided to leave. Earth can't help but sigh deeply when that older man was out of his sight, especially remembering what that man had offered him.

"Let's enjoy the night together, Coo. I prepared this in advance," Robin brought out a bottle of chocolate milk from his bag. "So that we can drink together."

Earth had been wary of the offered drink. He just smiled politely and faked taking a sip out of the bottle. He can't shake the uneasy feeling he got whenever Robin's eyes were on him. He shuddered when he was reminded by what Stella had said before. She was probably right, and perhaps Robin falls into the category of person that Stella warned him about earlier.

"Ready to go back, Earth?"

Earth turned around feeling startled and found Fluke arching his eyebrow at his jump on the seat.

"What had you so deep in thought about?" Fluke sat beside Earth on the couch.

"I don't like the feeling I get whenever I serve the last customer, ugh," Earth scrunched up his face in a cringey way. Though, seeing the incredulous look on Fluke's face, Earth can't help but laugh.

"Surely, you can tell Ohm about that and he will arrange something, that way you probably won't serve him again," Fluke shrugged his shoulders.

Earth shook his head. It seems like Ohm hadn't told anything to Fluke about his stalker. "It's okay. Besides, I only have a day left to work here. Remember?" He tilted his head and smiled a blissful expression. "You won't have to pick me up every night too. It is always near midnight whenever I finish my work at the club, Phi."

Fluke frowned. Something feels off about the younger one for him as if Earth is hiding something from him. Call him a worrier, but whenever the younger one keeps a secret, there would be this nagging feeling at the back of his head. Though, he can't piece the puzzle if Earth didn't give him a clue about said secret for him to find out.

Fluke smiled instead, "Do you like working here so far? Honestly, even only a day more, as I said before, I still am reluctant at letting you work as a host."

Earth lightly chuckled, "It's okay, Phi. Except for a weird man as the last customer, I don't particularly hate working as a host." He shrugged his shoulders and slowly grinned, "Though I had a pretty hard time to wake up on time for my class or morning shift."

"There's that about your important education. I prefer you work somewhere safe too," Fluke ruffled Earth's hair affectionately, which earned him a glare from the younger ones.

"It's safe for me to work here. Though, it's all because of the boss and all your nagging for him to keep me out of trouble." Earth suddenly smiled creepily, too weird to Fluke's liking. "I do suppose you need to send my gratitude for your boyfriend," his smile turned to a smirk. "Perhaps, on top of a bed while going at it sounds suffice."

Earth had started running towards Fluke's car parked outside the building simultaneously as he was being chased down with a blushing slash, furious Fluke on his back. Especially since he had eloquently emphasized the word with some hand movement. Fluke had grumbled that a virgin like Earth wouldn't know what he was talking about as he pursued the younger one.

Earth had gotten a few smacks from Fluke before they finally hit the road. Of course, it was after Ohm sent them off with a kiss on the lips for Fluke. Which Earth had teased the older one who was driving with kissy sounds, successfully annoying Fluke to no end.

"You have a free period from class tomorrow, right?" Fluke asked as he hit the brake and parked his car not far from Earth's house.

Earth arched a brow but nodded nonetheless. "You taking me somewhere?"

"No, I had worked out of town. I will try to get it done before I have to pick you up at the club," Fluke sighed.

Earth scoffed, "I told you that I can go back home alone alright. I'm no kid, Phi."

There was some tightness on Fluke's expression. "I was the one who introduced you to that job. Even if Ohm protects you from the possible harm that could happen inside the club, you can't be sure what would happen outside, right? As you said before, you always finished near midnight too."

Earth has his face turned soft. He feels guilty about not telling the older one about the problem with a particular stalker of his. When he thinks about it again, it will only make Fluke more worried about him, so he refrained from telling before he was sure if it really is dangerous.

"Thank you for worrying about me," Earth said earnestly. "Even if you can't make it back to the club to take me back, I will be more careful. Promise."

Fluke seemed to accept his promise and left it at that. He drives back home, leaving Earth looking a bit guilty while his eyes kept staring apologetically at Fluke's retreating car.

"I don't know if this damn stalker is dangerous. I need to be sure of it before involving more people," Earth murmured determinedly before he entered his house. Not realizing a shadow that left as soon as Earth has closed the door.

to be continue

Truly, my first nephew is kind of a devil most times. Meanwhile, his little brother is an angel. That was why I didn't update yesterday, but I tried to update more than 900 words today for the sake of it. Also, I think I will update every 2 days, maybe? It's not set in stone yet, merely because I'm kind of busy and don't have many times to use my laptop. The new story also has to wait too, unfortunately.

Updated on the 11th of May 2021,


Bittersweet Love // #KaoEarth AUWhere stories live. Discover now