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"What do you want to eat?"

Earth was busy scanning the menu on his hands but found out that the food here is too expensive for him to afford. Especially since he was saving money to pay this month's debt repayment. A hand pulled down the menu that covered up Earth's face, making him look up into Kao's kind smile that was directed at him.

"Order anything you want. Don't worry about the price, Earth," Kao said.


"Nah, no buts. I'm the one that suddenly asks you out for lunch, and I'm also older than you, so it is only fair for me to pay for your meals. Your duty now is to fill your stomach before your class begins, or else you can't think with it empty," Kao explained.

After that, Earth didn't argue or refuse the meals that Kao ordered for him. He felt full from eating the food and was surprised at the dessert placed on the table after the waitress clears it from the empty plates.

Was this just another act of kindness from Phi Kao?

Earth shook his head with a soft chuckle leaving his lips.

Of course, it was! What were you hoping, Earth Katsamonnat?

"Why are you shaking your head? Thinking of something?" Kao asked.

Earth's expression was like a deer caught in the headlights, then he smiled sheepishly, "No, Phi. Just random thoughts passing through my mind," he answered. Then he busied his thoughts by eating the dessert Kao had ordered for him, a chocolate molten lava cake.

Kao chuckles. He stretched out his hand towards Earth's face, then cleaned a spot of chocolate at the edge of the younger's lips. 

Earth's body instantly stiffens because of Kao's act that seemed natural behavior for him, especially when Kao put his thumb with the chocolate into his mouth and pulled up a smirk for him.

"That—that was dirty, Phi!" Earth's cheeks turned red in embarrassment, not only from being seen eating like a child but also from Kao's nonchalant attitude just now.

Still, with a smirk on his lips, Kao said with a low tone, "It's not dirty. Rather...it was sweet."

Thank God that Earth didn't faint right that instant, and he can get through their lunch in one piece, not melting like a block of ice inside an oven.

to be continue

I was recovering from my sickness, which was why I haven't updated in a long time. My phone kept getting errors, so some of the applications can't be opened, and I was so frustrated that I stayed away from my social media, except I occasionally opened Twitter to make updates of my stories. I said in my last tweet that I already wrote this story until chapter 25, and it still hasn't finished yet, maybe in a few more chapters. So, I had almost twice the number of chapters to update for this story. Please give me feedbacks such as voting and commenting on this story more often so I remembered to continue writing until this finish because I kept straying from the story to make another KaoEarth prompt (p.s. 2 MPREG AU prompts already written in my draft).

Updated on the 19th of April 2021,


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