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"That happened between you and Phi Kao?" Fluke stared in disbelief at the person seated in front of him. "And you didn't think to tell me that he came back to Thailand? Fuck, I better confront that jerk for giving you mixed signal."

"I'm sorry. I knew you were busy with your new exhibition, the thought to tell you has left my mind," Earth looked apologetically at Fluke's rage expression after he had finished telling Fluke the story on how he met Kao again until the part where he fucked up their friendship by kissing the older guy. Earth then sighed. "Anyway, I was the one who threaded his intention wrong. So, don't blame him for it."

Fluke looked exasperated at how easy it was for Earth to blame himself over what happened. "Shit, Earth. You goddamn better erase any self-blame over this matter."

At Earth's pained look after what he said, Fluke let out a deep sigh. "Are you okay after that, though?" He gazed worriedly over the friend he had labeled as his brother since a long time ago.

"I'm feeling better now," Earth didn't deny that he indeed felt sorrowful that night. "I cried, sure, and I decided to not think too much about that. Besides, the worry of not having money filled my head that I don't have any space to think about him right now."

Fluke sighed at the sloppy grins that Earth gave him. Then, he looked worriedly over the younger ones, "Are you sure you want to do this job, though?"

Earth looked at the one-way window film that the room they were in had and observed the bustling activities outside. "It can't be that bad. I'm not selling my body and just need to accompany men or women over drinks, right?"

"Yes. When I told the owner that you also have experience in being a barista and bartender, he may let you serve the drinks at the bar if they need some hands," Fluke replied after some silence between them.

"They served coffee here too?" Earth was surprised at the information because he thought that clubs like these would only serve alcohol.

"Yeah, the bastard of an owner said he didn't want to be an ordinary club," Fluke scoffed.

Earth actually eyeing the older one quite oddly. He has a gut feeling that Fluke had some relationship with this club's owner. "Thank you. You really helped me out by introducing me to this job."

"Anytime, Earth," Fluke looked fondly at Earth. His hands were itching to ruffle Earth's perfectly tamed hair but refrained from doing so to stay out of the younger one's wrath. "You better be careful though. Sure, this wasn't a shaddy establishment, but I heard that some perverts exist here."

Fluke's eyes trailed over Earth's outfit from head to toe, "Especially a young and cute boy like you. You are basically an easy prey for them."

Earth glared at the title but the blush that started covering his cheeks making his glare turned ineffective. "Thank you for worrying about me. I will try to stay out of trouble."

Fluke narrowed his eyes at the scenes happening outside the room, "I hope you're right," and then, he mumbled something.

"I can't help but think that trouble always finds you though, Earth."

to be continue

By Fluke saying that, don't you think it could become a jinx?

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y
T O   M E   ! ! !
The first birthday that  I spent without my mom being the first person to congratulate me at midnight. I miss you, mom.

Updated on the 2nd of May 2021,


Bittersweet Love // #KaoEarth AUWhere stories live. Discover now