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"Why are you always alone on the rooftop?"

Earth wiped his head to the voice source, and he found a boy wearing the same uniform top as him but a different color of the pants and the badge—a second-year high school student.

"Why the silence?" The older boy asked again.

Earth shook his head from his stupor and answered shyly, "The breeze feels great here," but then Earth just realized something from the older's words, "How do you know I'm always here?"

The senior chuckles, "I always sat at the other building's rooftop, across there, see," he pointing out the other building that he was talking about. Then he gave out something to the younger, "Here, take this."

"Were you watching me from there?"

"It's not like I was stalking you. I happen to see you often and conclude that you were always here, then you confirmed it by your answer," the senior said. Then, the older boy shook his hand again, making Earth notice it. The senior held something out, "Hurry and take this," he said in a whiny tone.

Earth slowly extends his arms to take the offered lunch box from the older one, but before he touches it, he stops his hand, "What is that?"

"It's obviously a lunch box, duh," the senior said. Then the older boy added, "Well, today is my friend's birthday, and she bought food for the whole class. I don't want to throw this away, or my mom's gonna give me an earful," was his answer.

Earth took the offered lunch box, "Thank you, senior...Kao," he said while reading the older one's name tag on his chest.

Kao chuckles, "Just call me Phi, no need for a senior," he said.

Earth nodded, cheeks full of the sushi Kao gave him. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he gives the older boy a small smile, "Thank you, Phi Kao. Anyway, my name is Earth, Phi!" He replied cheerfully.

Kao laughed. He shook Earth's brown hair, "You're cute."

The older one didn't realize that his act was the cue for Earth's heart to start beating faster and both of his cheeks to redden. 

Making the younger one realized that he had just fallen in love.

to be continue

I'm just going to update however many chapters I want, so here's the 2nd chapter on the same day of publishing this book. For Engraved Soulmates, like usual with this one, I will start publishing the book when I've written at least 5 chapters of it, and it will also be short chapters like this book too.

Updated on the 17th of March 2021,


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