"I guess. I wouldn't want to shake them." I nodded.

"So what's your name?" He asked

"Elsa, you." I said not wanting to give him my name just yet.

"I'm Greg. So Elsa you ready to go on another mission?"

"I guess. What am I doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Your going undercover with Aaron, the leather jacket, and the red one work to retrieve the stolen item." He explained

Undercover? With Aaron? It's like they take pleasure in my pain. Kill me. " What do you mean undercover? What the heck are we going to be doing?"

" Giles will explain that. How about I leave waking up Aaron to you." He smirks and walks out.

"What is with guys and smirking. Do they think that lifting half there mouth is hot or something?" I mutter. I carefully walk in their room. Aaron is snoring softly and his face is relaxed. He looked so peaceful. He looks so innocent. He just looks...

"I can't do this. Just go, Willow. I'm fine, we're fine,life's just fucking fine."

Those words pop back into my head and I quickly remind myself I was still mad at him. I turn to the side table grab a book and slap him with it.

"What the fuck." He cursed and grabs his head.

"Get the hell up, we have a mission, dick." I mutter. I turn to walk out.

"Willow." He says quickly. I stop, but don't turn. He sighs. "If I say I'm sorry would it help?" He asked softly.

"Not in the slightest." I say and walk out quickly. I hear him call out princess, but I'm too angry to even look at him.

"OK, I did it are you happy? I asked walking up to Blondie.

"Sure Elsa." Blondie smiles. I may have forgotten his name already

"Whose Elsa?" Freya asked walking up to us. Uh oh.

"This cutie right next to me. You would think you would know each others names by now"

Freya let out a loud laugh. "Your an idiot. Her names Willow." She managed to get out. He turned to me and crossed his arms.

" Don't look at me like that. When I told you that name I still thought you were the rapist. I didn't want to give you personal information about me. I don't even really know you. I still don't even really know you. For all I know you could be playing me like a fiddle. I could be your prey and you could be the predator. I was NOT ready to take that risk. So I lied about my name, but come on you could have figured it out. Hello, Elsa, Frozen. She controls ice. I control ice. I mean that's a given. It is not my fault that you don't understand common sense." I ramble quickly.

"You know you're something else, I like it." He smirks. I give him one of those smiles, where you look super awkward, because your bottom lip goes too far down.

Ethan walks in wearing black jeans an dark green t shirt and his leather jacket. I take to notice Frey's black skinny jeans and red tank. Her hair in a messy bun and she has on her combat boots. I hear a clonking and see Aaron in a black suit, white dress shirt and black tie. As long as I got my suit and tie. Stay focus Willow focus. He looked so handsome. I am still wearing my spongebob pajamas and my hair is in a not so pretty high bun. Sexy? I know.

"I look like my dad. Why the hell am I dressed like this?" Aaron said loudly. Is his default mood dick?

"You are going to a party." Giels announced walking in.

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