Chapter 19

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The street is miraculously unpacked. People goes back and forth and had descent space between them. The night's air is cold as always and it made me shiver in my school uniform. Even though it made me shake ever so often, I still kept on walking until I found myself staring at a well lit tree. There are lights coiled around it's branches. The cluster of leaves resembled the black canvas of the night and the lights looked like stars; twinkling in it's yellow brightness. There's a certain band playing by it's roots, their silhouettes are festive against the light.

"Wow." A smile made it's way into my lips.

I approched the band and sure enough-- it was them. It's the old men odd band. So they relocated. I like it.

There's a descent amout of crowd surrounding them but I managed to squeeze myself through.

I bended over and dropped a coin, it clanged against their can and had clashed with the other pennies inside.

I watched them with a grin on my face trying to get a glimpse of a certain someone in a red scarf.

I stretched my neck just to see all the way to the back but I can't find her.

My brows cresed.

That's strange, I remember her saying she's always in the back.

"Hey, Mister!" I called the nearest guy to me; the one playing the keyborad. I know it's rude talking to them while they play but I just need to ask something. He could still play while talking afterall. It's not like I'm talking to their vocalist or something.

"Yes, miss?!" he yelled back, his voice a little unclear due to all the music they're making

"Do you know someone named Sina?!" I yelled back.

"Oh yeah, we sure do!" he answered, ecstatic.

I covered one of my ear.

"Can I ask where she is right now?!"

"Oh, she's playing solo somewhere!"

"WHAT?!" My eyes widened in surprise.

"I said she's playing solo so--"




I was on my way home when my phone started buzzing nonstop.

My brows furrowed.

I know I don't have that much contacts why is my mail blowing up now?

I took the tip of my phone out my pocket just to get a glimpse of it and what I saw made me raise a brow.

Viane Cromwell named the group "pSychology-ish troop talk"

Viane Cromwell had added you to the chat.

Viane Cromwell had added Sina Collymore to the chat.

Viane Cromwell added Lindelle Hixley to the chat.

Viane Cromwell added Layelle Adalair to the chat.


I finally took it out of my pocket to get a better look at it. Those idiots infiltrated my facebook account. I told them to leave it alone!

I swiped aggressively.

Viane Cromwell changed her name to koolbeeyach.

koolbeeyach: hey guys! ive gut somthing to tell u!

I tched and I typed something fast.

Adam Alston: What is this?! I never agreed to be in this!

koolbeeyach: Oh come on. dont be such a spoilsport and just go along with it. and you type like an oldman btw

What she said made my jaw clench. I do not type like an old man!

koolbeeyach changed your name into Oldfart.

Oldfart: Hey! Change it back!

koolbeeyach: no can do. U can chnge it urself when you finally figure it out grandpa

My hands shook in anger as I stared at her message. This bitch!

Lindelle Hixley: this was a gc? I thought this was a spam

Layelle Adalair: a group chat is a gud idea!

kolbeeyach: i know right?

koolbeeyach changed Lindelle Hixley name to Thugbelina.

koolbeeyach changed Layelle Adalair to richgirl.

Thugbelina: this name is so weird.

koolbeeyach: u dont like it? :(

Thugbelina: its fine. Its a gud balance of cute and badassness afterall.

koolbeeyach: yey!

Oldfart: Hey! Why do I got no say about my name?! Mine fucking sucks!

koolbeeyach: :D

Oldfart:why you!

Richgirl changed her name to Filthyrichbitch.

Filthyrichbitch: this is much better.

koolbeeyach: oh ur into that huh?

Filthyrichbitch: yup

koolbeeyach changed Sina collymore to guitarwarrior.

Filthyrichbitch: sounds cool!

koolbeeyatch: yeah and also my anouncemnt is about her.

Thugbelina: whats about her?

Oldfart: Spit it out bitch

koolbeeyach: SHUT up adam!

koolbeeyach: I just wanna tell u guys that I just found out that Sina is playing solo 2day! Its is more likely her first debut! I was just wondering if you guys culd watch her with me. Its at a restobar called 34th roundabout.

Filthyrichbitch: Im in!

Thugbelina: Cant. Im shopping.

koolbeeyach: aw what a shame. But is alright rjough.

koolbeeyach: how about u adam? Wanna come?

I separated my eyes from the screen for a moment and breathe out, small puffs of my breath became visible due to the cold.

I don't have anything to do at home. And I hate to come home early just to be stared down by my dad. I guess this is better. I was also thinking of telling them some pretty bad news but... I guess it could wait until tomorrow. Based on how Sina had treasured her guitar, it is most likely that she's a wonderful performer. She's finally displaying that talent tonight and I'm not the one to ruin that.

My eyes went back to screen and my face is illuminated by it's light once again.

Oldfart: sure

koolbeeyach: oh luk the old fart does know how to type like an actual teenager.

Oldfart: Dont push ur luck. You do realize that I'm going to where you are. I only agreed to this so that I could pound you in the head.

I smirked.

koolbeeyach: nooo! Forgive me please!

koolbeeyach is typing.

Oldfart changed koolbeeyach name to minionslut.

I didn't wait for her to respond and I pocketed my phone fast. It vibrated persistently but I didn't mind it and just laughed. She's probably barrating me about her new name, well it's too bad for her; I'm a fast learner.

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