Chapter 16

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I'm currently paving my way through the crowd, shoving anyone who gets in my way.

"Out of the way!" I yelled at some students who were gossiping right at the middle of the hallway.

The intel I had collected from Mr. Wae yesterday was a big help. Because of it I could finally solve my problem.

"She's telling the truth. Marriane really did lost her bracelet."

My brows furrowed and my fist gripped my skirt tighter.

Shit, I really am screwed.


I looked at him fast, hope building up inside me.

"There is one thing she's lying about."

"What is it?"

He smiled and raised a finger.

"The price."

I smirked.

I'm glad you're on my side, Mr. Wae.

My stomping were soon followed by several footsteps and when I looked back, I saw everyone from my club following after me.

Sina has her scarf higher on her face like a ninja, eyes steel. Adam has a scowl on his face the whole time, staring everyone out of his way. The Lindelle guy had been walking with both hands in his pocket, hunchedback and pissed off as ever and Layelle has been smiling oddly and had a sling bag that she has been carrying around suspiciously the whole day.

I looked ahead again, a smile forming on my lips.

The clubroom had finally bored the hell out of them.

So I might as well give them a show.


"Marriane!" I kicked their clubroom door open. It's tag that says "embroidery club" swayed dangerously.

"What the fuck?!" she screamed as she let go of her cards. A whole deck was on the table and about a dozens of glamour girls has surrounded it, giving me indignant looks.

I scoffed.

Embroidery club my ass.

"We need to talk." I glared at her.

She rolled her eyes then stepped closer to me.

"What-- are you finally gonna offer your body to pay me--"

I slapped her.

Her face turned sideways in a snap and the impact echoed; silencing everyone in the room.

My hand burned but I didn't miss a beat. I rummaged my pocket and pulled out a jewelry.

"I came here to return your bracelet, bitch." I directed my hand towards her, the bracelet dangling between my fisted hand. "And don't joke about that body thing, I'd slap you again."

Her hand went up her red cheeks and she looked at me with rage in her eyes.

"Fuck you!" She raised her arms to get back at me but I stopped it before it could even get a hit.

She froze.

"Don't tell me-- you found it. In just one day?" she asked.

I didn't let go of her arms and I smiled.

"Yes. It's a miracle, isnt it." Her eyes started to resemble fear as I closed the distance between us. I slid my face by her right cheek then whispered at her ear.

"I'm lying." I pause. "The truth is: it's brand new." I could feel her breath shaking.

"I bought it from the same shop that you bought yours. And what a surprise, it only took me a few bills to buy it. Marriane, I didn't know you're into synthethic jewelries. And I bet your mom didn't even own that." I chuckled. "She wouldn't buy something that cheap. So if I were you I'd take this bracelet and call it a day or... do you want everyone here to know how much of a liar and a cheap person you are?"

I pulled my lips away and gave her a full smile. My hand directing the jewelry in her palm.

"I'll t-take it," she whispered and she opened her palm.

I layed it down on her hand. " I'm so sorry it got lost because of me," I said, with all smile, my voice purposely loud.

Gosh, I'm becoming more and more like Mr. Wae.

"It's fine, bitch." She looked away.

I nodded then walked away, I reunited with the others who were waiting at the door.

"Oh... " I stopped on my tracks, my head turned slightly towards her direction. "And take good care of it, okay? We don't want the others finding it for you." I grinned at her as I left my final message. I finally turned away, clicking the door shut.


After all the commotion we decided to go home early and walk the halls out together.

"You looked so cool earlier, Viane!" Sina said cheerfully, her eyes sparkling and her guitar case rocking behind her.

"Of corse I do--"

"Really?!" Adam interrupted. "I thought it looked cringy."

"Adam, you little shit!" I screamed.

"I think you looked great," Lindelle talked out of nowhere, his sharp eyes looking ahead.

"Really?!" My confidence burst up again and heard Adam clicked his tongue.

Hear that, Adam?

"But it still looked a little staged though," Lindelle added.

"Which one is it!" I yelled at him, irritation filling my voice. There are some snickers behind me and I bet my life it was Adam.

I frowned.

They're technically not wrong, though. I've played the scenario over and over my head before going in. I didn't know it would actually turn out like that.

"Come on guys, stop being mean," Layelled said and the boys looked away. Smug pieces of shit. "You stood up for yourself Viane and I think that's an amzing feat."

I smiled and Sina nodded vigoruosly in the background.

"Oh, I know!" She clapped her hands together. "Let's eat somewhere to celebrate." Layelle invited and we all looked at her. She smiled back. "My treat."

We ended up going to a family restaurant. Layelle was really trying hard to pull us in a fancy restaurant earlier but we resisted so this is our last bet. I mean, what kind of luxurious resturant would let in a bunch of sweaty teenagers in their uniforms?

The boys ordered everything in the menu and we all gobbled it up. Sina finally removed her scarf off her face and she looked liked a chipmunk everytime she chew. Both the boys were like cavemens when they eat, unlike Layelle who's sophistacated and well mannered, she even pats her lips with a tissue from time to time. And me? I just ate like a normal person-- with bigger servings.

We finished the meal fast.

Marriane called the waiter to pay and she finally let up her sling bag that she's been carrying all this time.

"How much?" she asked.

"580 miss."

I was taken aback at how she just nodded at the price. She casually opened her bag and we all leaned in.

What the--

My eyes bulged when I saw tons of cash inside. It's bundled up neatly and thick enough to slap a person

"Why are you carrying tons of cash?! Are you out to buy drugs or something?!" I asked, eyes still wide open.

She didn't answered and just smiled.

"Don't just smile there, I don't know what that means."

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