I took a pin out of my hair. I never traveled without them because a good courier is always prepared. I started picking the lock while Peter watched.

"Got it." I whispered as I took the lock off.

I went first. There was just enough room on the sides for me to squeeze through. I felt Peter behind me, as I heard the grate close.

As we crawled through the confined smelly grate it widened.

About ten minutes later I was able to sit up, although it was still confined. And that's when I saw a light.

"I think I see something." I said, relieved.

That relief quickly vanished as we approached.

"no." I said as I half fell into the shallow pit. "It's a dead end!" I said.

"Yep, and you aren't getting out..." We looked up at the sun creeping over Droriin's ugly face.

"You thought you could outsmart me, didn't you?" He laughed as we heard the crash behind us as the opening we had come from closed.

"You're not even worth selling. So as a punishment... For trying to pull one over..." He nodded over to someone. Suddenly, water started to flood in around our ankles.

"Nice knowing you... Your highness." Droriin laughed as he walked off.

"Peter!" I yelled as the water reached our ankles rather quickly. He looked at me and grabbed my arms.

"Vyla I love you... I loved you since that training session all those years ago... And that's why I've been acting weird... Back when we were helping Oramythh, she and I had a talk... and part of me didn't want to admit it but... It true... She was right. I love you."

The water was to just under our knees now.

I placed my arms around his neck, looking in his light blue eyes.

"I love you too Pete... And I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"Getting too invested... I felt this huge honor to be your personal advisor and I let it go to my head..."

"You have nothing to apologize for... Without you I don't think I would be on time for anything."

I chuckled as I held his face.

"Vy if we get out of this... will you marry me?" He asked.

I could feel the tears dripping down my face, mixing with the moisture in the air as the water level grew to our chests.

"Of course, I will." I smiled. Then he leaned down and kissed me. He tasted salty from the water that was now to our chins.

"I love you Peter." Was the last thing I said as the water rose over my face.

Holding his hand, I opened my eyes under the water. As did Peter. It was dark but I looked down. That's when I noticed the grate again. I let go of Peter's hand and swam down. Taking another pin from my hair I started to pick the lock. That was one thing Droriin didn't account for.

I could feel my chest start to hurt. I wanted to look up to see if Peter was alright but there was no time.

I got it unlocked and glanced up and watched Peter close his eyes. Pushing the grate open, the water started draining and I swam up, grabbing Peter and getting his head above water as the water started to lower.

I was breathing heavy as I laid Peter down. His chest wasn't moving as his blonde hair matted to his forehead. I pressed my ear to his chest before I started hitting him, trying to get the water out of his lungs.

Till the End of Time ~ A Peter Pevensie Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now