2.1 - what had happened was...

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"so... say it. i need the verbal confirmation to be sure i accept this." yoongi hummed out, giving me a stern look, though his lips wavered in a smile, telling me he wasn't angry.

"sure, let me reintroduce myself."

i grabbed my glass of vodka from the table, took a long drink, and then smiled coyly.

"hi. my name is yang kiyoung, or ellanova june yang, but you might know me better as nova. i'm a rapper, singer-songwriter, tv personality, and award winning artist based mostly in america. it's really nice to meet you all on a professional level. i hope we can get along."

          * * * * *

the next morning, everything felt like a fever dream. by the next morning, i meant about 4 pm. and by fever dream, i meant... fever dream, actually.

i woke up bleary eyed and hungry from the smell of food coming from the kitchen. i yawned, sat up, and poked hoseok's cheek softly to see how asleep he actually was, seeing as i had stayed the night in his room.

he grumbled softly and grabbed my hand, pulling me back down to lay with him. he laid his head on top of my head and sighed.

"just five more minutes kiyoungie... we were all up late."

"but... but... smells like food." i whined back softly, wiggling. 

"five more minutes." he insisted, flicking my cheek softly with a small grin.

"hmmm..." i hummed, slowly snaking my arms out of his hold and to his sides, as if i was about to cuddle him back. "fine... five more minutes."

"thank you." he hummed back happily, having no clue what was in store for him next.

"...you fuckin thought." i murmured before launching my sneak tickle attack on his sides.

hoseok screeched and launched himself away from me, rolling across the king sized bed like he had been shot.



i launched myself across the bed back to him before he could even process it and went back to work attacking him with tickles - his sides, his hips, his neck, anywhere i could get him.

he wiggled anxiously, laughing loudly despite the torture. 

"p-please, stop im- ahahaha - fuck kiyoung NO! NOT TH-"

he wrestled out of my grip and rolled us around so he was hovering over me, red in the face and out of breath.

i blinked up at him, suddenly realizing the predicament i was in.

"oh... oh fuck oh shit... oh no."

the look of pure evil that reached his expression made goosebumps pop up on my skin.

"oh yes. oh yes indeed, kiyoung. revenge is bittersweet. bitter for you... sweet for me."

"YOU FUCKIN THOUGHT!" i yelled, taking the nearest pillow and yeeting it at his face. i took the momentary distraction and rolled myself out of his grip.

he laughed and grabbed my foot as i slid off the bed, trying desperately to yank me back.

"no, NO! no NOOOO ST- FUCK!" i kicked my foot back as hard as i could, making him lose his hold on it and proceeded to all but sprint out of his bedroom with him hot on my trail. i grabbed a blanket that had been discarded in the hallway at some point in the night and threw it behind me, hoping it would help slow him down.

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