Sammy came running over to us before saying "can I help set up the tent?" I nodded "of course Sammy" she smiled and helped me carry the bag over to the open area.

We started pulling everything out as techno walked over to help us. We spent a good 30 minutes trying to put the fucking tent up because Sammy is a child and me and techno both play minecraft for a living.

We finally got it set up and put all our blankets and pillows in there. Sammy placed her build-a-bear in there too.

We had left around 10 am, went on that long drive then spent a good chunk of time trying to set up our campsite. It was already almost dinner time.

Me and Sammy grabbed some food from the car as techno made a fire. Surprisingly enough he did it pretty quickly. He stood back and looked at what he had done like one of those old white dads.

I laughed and spoke "you did good for a minecrafter" techno laughed and lightly slapped my shoulder as Sammy came running over with food in her hand.

Techno cooked us some quick dinner as I held Sammy close. She's a really good kid but I was a little scared she would run off or get to close to the fire.

Maybe that's just my mother instincts kicking in. We all ate as we talked around the fire. Once we finished we still sat looking into the fire.

Sammy was sitting close next to me as techno laid a hand on my thigh and I laid my head on his shoulder.

We sat for a minute before Sammy ran to the car and soon came back with marshmallows, gram crackers, and chocolate.

Techno laughed as he spoke. "I see you found the s'mores ingredients" Sammy nodded a she handed them to me. "Can you help me"

I nodded and started helping her make s'mores as techno watched. Once I finished making me and Sammys s'mores I took a picture of the fire to post as techno roasted his marshmallow.

*twitter post*

See I have a life..... kinda


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Who are you with?
Techno and his sister
Aww cute


Where was my invite
Better question, where was mine. I live in the same fucking state
They got lost in the mail?

Get off your phone
You get off your phone

*end of twitter post*

We weren't far from society so we still had reception. It wasn't good but it was there. We finished our s'mores as Sammy started yawning.

It was getting really late for her so I spoke "do you want to go get ready for bed?" Sammy nodded as she grabbed my hand and led me to the tent.

We both got ready for bed as techno cleaned up after us. Sammy decided to lay down on the far right of the tent. She laid in my arms as she spoke. "Can you tell me a bed time story?"

I smiled and nodded. "Sure.... once upon a time there was a Beautiful princess. Though she was kind and very smart, she had awful parents. They were evil trolls that lived under a bridge" Sammy giggled a little as I continued.

"One day the princess fought long and hard to escaped her parents. She had won, all because she had met a handsome prince. This prince saved the princess more than he could ever know. He made her happy no matter what. This prince is what made the princess believe true love still exists. They had fallen in love. The end" Sammy cuddled up close to my chest as she spoke. "Does true love still exist?"

I laughed and nodded "yeah, You'll see it all around you, with your mommy and daddy and with me and techno. That's what true love looks like" I felt Sammy smile into my chest as we both drifted off to sleep.

Technos POV

I was about to walk into the tent when I heard Sammy speak "can you tell me a bed time story" she asked y/n. I don't want to interrupt this.

I sat there listening to the story with a big smile plastered on my face. Though her story sucked I loved it.

I swear, I'm going to marry her one day.

I love her more than she knows.

1404 words

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