Chapter Ninety Five

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to be King anymore, Nera."

"I know."

When they pulled up to the venue there was a wide stage while a large crowd waited patiently. Guards surrounded Wang Lei as he stepped out first then more guards moved to surround Nakai. Nera walked between the two men, keeping an eye out for any threats. Waiting in another car was Queen Mother, her exits all covered by guards. When Wang Lei made it to the back of the stage, he walked up the wooden steps with Nakai following behind him. Both men put on kind faces as they greeted the loud crowd. WIth a microphone, Wang Lei's voice boomed over the large venue.

"Good morning everyone. Today we have a bitter sweet event today. A woman who I shared a deep connection with has shown her true colour recently. She not only destroyed the life of my Father and Brothers but she also stole the life of all the innocent people in this very city. Today, on the count of murder and treason against the late King and present King, I authorise the public execution of Queen Mother."

Wang Lei waited for the loud cheering coming from the crowd to die down before stepping closer to Nakai.

"Not only will this execution pay comeuppance for the mass genocide that happened here but also rectify burnt bridges caused by Queen Mother. Not only was Sea Country put at risk but a war between us and the Giants brought the end to a lot of lives that didn't need to end. Today, I hereby apologize on behalf of my Mother to the Giants, hoping we can have a pleasant and peaceful relationship in the future."

The crowd cheered again while Wang Lei turned to Nakai and shook his hand, two glasses of wine were brought out and the two men shared the bitter drink before a line of guards came on stage, in their hands was a block of wood with an indent in the middle where a neck was supposed to lay. Once the wood was placed down, more guards brought out Queen Mother. She was dressed in the same silk dress she had been in since her capture, the crowd made an obvious gasp at the sight of the woman. Queen Mother had always been someone who carried herself with pride, her beautiful hair that was the main cause of her beauty was all gone, only a bald head with no hair in sight remained. Wang Lei had never seen his Mother in such disorder or unkempt, the sight made a lump form in his throat and he had to look down to stop himself from calling everything off. Behind the stage Nera could see how pale Wang Lei had turned, because of his status, he wasn't allowed on stage and he had to stay back.

The guards had to carry Queen Mother since her legs could no longer hold her slim weight, as she neared the piece of wood her mouth opened as if she wanted to scream and protest but her voice had been completely broken. Nakai watched all of this unfold in front of him while Wang Lei couldn't look when the executioner walked up the stairs with his large axe dragging behind him. The crowd went crazy as they clapped and cheered for the man that would be ending Queen Mother's life. The sounds of clapping and cheering echoed vaguely in Wang Lei's ears. The sound soon became muffled until all he could hear was a high pitched ringing. Nakai could sense how uneasy Wang Lei was and when he tore his eyes away from Queen Mother, he saw the man was struggling to stand upright. For the first time, Nakai stepped closer and held the man by his waist.

A pause in the crowd happened once the executioner raised his heavy axe, the black metal seemed to absorb all light as it dropped down. A loud thud echoed off the silent crowd before a smaller thud was heard. Queen Mother's head was sitting in a basket while her blood sprayed out of her lifeless body. Hearing the crowd erupt into glee at the sight was the tipping point for Wang Lei and he felt his legs give form under him. Nakai held Wang Lei up with a grunt from the weight before he pulled him to the back of the stage and down the stairs.

. . . . . . . . .

Wang Bao thought resting on the sofa would make him feel better but his body seemed to be fighting him and the comfort he wanted. The boys continued to eat happily while talking and didn't notice Wang Bao get up from the sofa. Since sitting was proving difficult, Wang Bao decided to walk around. He paced in front of the sofa impatiently but slowly, when the discomfort seemed to subside, the weight of his large body caused pain to happen in his feet. Wang Bao scrunched his face and cradled his heavy belly before leaning back against the wall. Finally, Karo saw that Wang Bao was no longer sitting on the sofa. He looked around the room to see him hunched over. His small voice was panicked as he ran over.

"Brother! What's wrong?"

Wang Bao forced himself to breathe before answering Karo with a strained voice.

"I'm okay, my belly is just really heavy."

Rara ran over as well. Both children held onto one of Wang Bao's hands with worry written on their face. Wang Bao wanted to say everything was fine and walk back to bed but his stomach suddenly cramped up in excruciating pain, the pain was so bad that Wang Bao couldn't hold his body up any longer and he fell to the ground. Karo burst into tears from the sight of seeing Wang Bao drop to the ground while Rara went wide eyed before running to the phone. His small fingers dialled Mr Liu quickly before he shouted into the device.

"Mr Liu, hurry! Brother is hurt."

While they waited for Mr LIu to come, Wang Bao was able to get onto all fours but there was no strength in his body to get him back on his feet. Rara tried to comfort both Wang Bao and Karo but he was the youngest out of them and couldn't handle the stress or pressure. When he found he couldn't get Wang Bao up or stop Karo from crying, Rara sat on his butt and began crying loudly as well. Wang Bao knew he had to stop Karo and Rara was freaking out but his breath was taken away by another round of gut wrenching pain.When Wang Bao felt no one was going to come help them, the door beside them was pushed open.

Mr Liu along with the Sea Queen rushed inside, when Sea Queen saw both her son and Karo bawling on the floor, she quickly scooped them up and calmed them down. Mr Liu had gained a lot more strength since returning to the palace but he wasn't strong enough to get Wang Bao up from the ground.

"My Prince, what hurts?"

"My stomach~"

Wang Bao's eyes filled with tears as another wave of intense pain shot through him, Sea Queen placed the babies on the sofa and pushed Mr LIu towards them to keep them calm before she joined Wang Bao on the floor.

"What sort of pain is it?"

Wang Bao couldn't answer as he felt he could barely breathe, when Sea Queen asked him again and placed pressure on his lower back. The pressure lighteneed the pain slightly and Wang Bao took a deep breath.

"Shooting pain...It hurts so much~"

Sea Queen wrapped one of her arms around Wang Bao's chest in time to catch his front from face planting into the ground, when Wang Bao was able to get another deep breath in, she wrapped her other arm around the base of Wang Bao's chest and pulled him up from the ground. Wang Bao quickly shoved his fist in his mouth to muffle his pained scream and leaned his body heavily on Sea Queen. While holding Wang Bao up, Sea Queen talked to Mr Liu with a steady voice.

"Call for the doctor then call Nakai."

Mr LIu took the children out of the room and into Wang Bao's bedroom before making the call, the doctor answered straight away and understood the situation. When Mr LIu called Nakai, the call went through to voicemail instantly. While Mr Liu tried to make the call again, Wang Bao was finding it harder to stay upright again, his entire body was covered in a cold sweat as he pointed to the sofa weakly.

"Your Majesty, I'm too heavy."

"Don't think so lowly of me. I'm stronger than I look."

The Sea Queen walked Wang Bao towards the sofa anyway since he needed to lay down to cause less stress on his body. When they were close enough, Wang Bao rested his palms against the back of the sofa, his belly hung off his body heavily but it took the extreme weight off his back. In this position Wang Bao could breath easier as well. The Sea Queen rubbed Wang Bao's back to help relieve more pressure when she saw a small trickle of liquid seep down Wang Bao's legs. Because Wang Bao was only wearing his robe the liquid could only pool beneath him on the ground. Wang Bao felt the warm liquid run down his legs but didn't want to believe it.

"P=Please tell me I peed myself."

The Sea Queen didn't have time to answer as the clock struck eleven, a call was made to Sea Queen but she didn't pick up. Instead she looked down at Wang Bao whose water had obviously broken and spoke in a serious tone.

"Queen Mother has been executed."

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