Chapter 7 - Elina & Scarlet's pov

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Several days had past since i've seen that woman. I felt the urge to find her again.. there was something about her that made me go absolutely wild, I almost lost all my control yet I was able to restrain myself. However when I saw her.. I admired her sweet gaze, fair skin and that bashful smile. She was absolutely precious and adorable yet so elegant and she carried herself beautifully. I ached to see her again.. To see her delightful smile and beautiful gleaming orbs.

These past days.. I couldn't get her out of my head no matter how much I fought against it. I've had scenarios and dreams of that strange woman. I don't know her nor anything about her, yet I felt the urge to learn everything..

Living in this bug city, I knew it would be difficult to find her since there are a hundred faces all around.. but even with that obstacle, I refused to give up hope until I found her. Until I see her sweet face. This feeling in me is so unfamiliar.. and it confuses me. I've seen various women.. but when I saw her, I knew she stood out from the rest. It sounds cliché but it's only the truth.

I don't know her at all, but I have the urge to do so. I want to know whats her routine everyday and what she does for a living, and so much more. I want to know every single thing about her.. Though, I don't even know her name.

Julia sighs, "Being in your room and thinking about that fine lady won't help you find her." She says to me as I slightly chuckle. "I know it won't.. But how will I find her again in this big city? It'll be impossible." I shake my head, closing my eyes sadly. Julia then sits on the corner of my bed, "It's not impossible.. Just buy me a car and i'll find her." She wiggles her eyebrows as I looked at her, smiling. "God you never shut up about wanting a new car..." I whispered, "But if I get you the car, will you actually find her for me?" I ask, staring into her eyes.

"Of course." She smiles "So.. It's a deal?" She asks as I nod in response. "It's a deal then." She smiled once again like a little puppy. "Right.. How are you going to find her?" I ask, looking at her as the moon began to rise. "I have my ways." She winks with a grin, as I shake my head "Alright, but how many days will it take you to find her?" I ask. "Maybe only a day.. So I better get to work." She mumbles, getting off my bed and heading off to her room.

I sigh and look out the window, starting to grow somewhat confident yet nervous. If what Julia said was true that she will be able to find the woman, then I owe her alot more than just a car.. I have alots of money anyways. It's not a problem for me although I really need to move out of this cramped apartment and move back into my old home. I really miss it.. I had it built around 300 years ago.. I haven't been there in over around a year now. I'll have to remodel everything since it's seriously outdated. It hasn't been remodeled for years now and the people who worked there, haven't worked there since I moved out of there. So many years have passed..

My family is finally coming to America.. and they'll need alot of space. It's been such a long time without them and I really miss them.. And it'll be good to spent time with my family again. These years being alone have been absolutely lifeless and so dull in total.

I've wanted to go back to Spain for many reasons.. such as my family and Irina.

I haven't seen her for many years.. and I left her without a any letter. She must've been so heartbroken when I did, but when I was with her, I never felt anything for her. We're legally married, and haven't divorced yet. I've wanted to divorce her, although i'd feel guilty for just leaving her without an exclamation, so I just left. I haven't called, text nor seen her at all. Whenever I speak to family, they don't even mention her name since they know that I didn't really want to be with her.

I really owe her the biggest apology.

I want to go to Spain at some point to apologize to her, but to be honest i'm too ashamed to even face her.


Scarlet's pov:

Valeria and I sat outside, with drinks in our hands. We were both talking about stuff while Jodie was inside, finishing her homework.

"Are you being serious?" She asks, suprised. I sigh, shaking my head.  "Yes I am being serious, Val... If I let her go, who knows what will happen to my sweet girl." I open my eyes, imagining the family photo of my family we've took a bit back. "but if you do.. they wouldn't do any harm to her since she is a hunter, right?"

"Hunter or not, they could kill her. And the Elder.. She's only hungry for her youthness and blood. Such a vile creature.." I whisper.  "My husband wants Jodie to go.. He insists! But what if the Elder possible kills her, or keeps her around for her blood?" I ask, anxiously. "I'm sure she wouldn't do such a thing.. Jodie is still a child." Val quietly says.

I sit down, crossing my legs "They've killed those innocent people.. and they got away with that. They had futures, aspirations and families." I mumbled, "I just can't let her go by herself. I wanted to ask Varsha for help, but she'll obviously want something in return if I ask her to go with my Jodie.."

"Have you tried contacting the Elder of werewolves? His name is Nelson." Val says, as I shook my head once again "He's always traveling some place with his werewolf pack.. He's probably out in Europe or Asia, trying to make an Alliance with other groups of supernaturals." I say to her.

"He hasn't been able to make one.. I heard he might come back to the states." She tells me, "Maybe if he comes back, we can go to him."

"We only have a few days and she'll have to go to the Community... And we'll possibly have to rejoin, which I don't want to." I remark, gulping. "Well then.. Varsha could help us and if she helps us, we'll give her what she wants in return.." She whispers to me, as I look at her.

"Are you insane?" I ask, "She could want something valuable that we can't give to her.. She'll probably end up slicing our throats if we don't give her what she wants."

"She's a witch.. The oldest witch alive. If the other Elders find out that she sliced our throats, then she'd be stripped away from her powers."

"I don't know Val.. It's risky." I whisper, looking away from her.

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