Chapter 4 - Scarlet

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My husband and I came back from our date and went to bed. However, we of course checked on Jodie.. She was asleep on her ipad watching cartoons. So we both put her to bed and then we paid the nanny.. She was such a nice woman. The nanny, Grea, has been working for us for several years now. I know that she lives alone and has 2 daughters.. I've offered them a home and money since she told me she was struggling a while ago. Unfortunately, Grea's husband sadly past away in a car crash that left her heart broken with barely any income to afford her home.. She took a break from everything for a bit few weeks and I offered my condolences and the help needed so she wouldn't be alone in this difficult time. I couldn't even begin to imagen losing someone so close to me. I don't think i'd be able to live with myself if that ever occured.

However, everything has been perfect lately. Yet there still feels like there's something missing.. The puzzle isn't finished.

We have money, houses, cars and everything others desired but.. Our marriage, it's not the same as it was before. It's as if our feelings dissolved, there's barely anything.

Lèon is a hardworking, tough and an amusing man. To add on, he doesn't give up easily on stuff. That's what I admire the most about my husband.

When I first met him, he had a bashful gaze and damaged hands. He worked in the mines with his father. He was very proud of it and blocked out all the laughter from others once they found out what he worked as. However.. When I first met him, it didn't matter. None of it did.. I saw him for his heart.

My family is very wealthy and we own several huge companies.. They all wanted me to marry a rich man but I married Lèon instead. He always fascinated me back then.. His eyes held so much mystery in them.

A few years after getting married, I helped him begin his own business. I gave him support, all my love. However, in a way he changed. I know my husband loves me very much and I love him as well but there was something strange about him. I already knew he was a hunter, he told me everything about himself. So, what else could've he been hiding? I never found out so it remained a mystery. I hated to assume the worst.. A few of my closest friends assumed that he was getting friendly with another woman.. and I hated the thought of that so much.

When I had Jodie, It was unexpected but still a miracle. I was so happy having my baby.. Lèon stayed home for a few months until Jodie was born. When she was born, I felt so many sparks flying across. There was an urge to protect her in every way possible and to show her all my love instead of being emotionless, just as my parents were with me.

My parents weren't always there as I grew up.. They were busy most of the time which left me alone. I had many luxurious things that others didn't have but I didn't care, I only wanted the attention from them. As I grew up over the years, they started to argue more and it caused my elder brother to rebel.. He got addicted to several things but luckily he was able to stop and recover. I'm very grateful that he has always there for me although he had to leave and move out since he was obviously older and had a life for his own. I haven't seen him for a few months since we're both busy and doing our own things.. But hopefully, i'll see him again.

But as for now, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my husband to see if he was really asleep. When I did, he was practically drooling so now, I can do what I need to do.

So I stood up quietly and went to the kitchen, closing the doors behind me. I took my phone out and decided to call Margot. It's been a long time since I've called her and now I need her help.. I want to know if he's really cheating. So if I call Margot, I know she will find out..

I refuse to look like some fool, behind her pathetic husband. I love him, dearly but I just need to know this..

"Hello, Scarlet." She spoke through the phone as I could practically feel her smirk. "Hello, Margot." I sighed, shaking my head. "It's been along time now.. What do you want?" She asked, straight up. "I need you're help.." I began, "I need you to find out if my Husband is cheating.." I spoke with a shakey voice. "Ah, about time you investigate! Oh my dearest Scarlet, of coursel i'll get the job done for you."

"What will you want in return?" I asked, shaking my head. She only stayed silent "You know what I want." Margot said sternly, however I could practically imagen her smirking from across the phone. I hesitate but answered with "Fine, but be quick."

"Of course."

With those last words, the call was cut. I began to pace around, feeling my heartbeat arise. I prayed that he wasn't doing anything bad behind my back.. but then again I never know.. I just need to know this. 

I hope it isn't true.

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