Chapter Fourteen

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That is one rich coffin. How much money do you think I'd earn if I sell the cross on it? (I can already sense the Dark Spear coming for me right now)

Aramina's POV

I sat on one of the couches in the living room, smiling brightly as I watched Shinwoo oppa and Ik-Han oppa play some game with Tao oppa while munching on one of the many yummy delicacies that Seira unnie had cooked up. Today, even Yuna unnie and Suyi unnie had decided to help her cook and though they were good at it, they were nowhere near as amazing as Seira unnie. She was even a better cook than Daddy, and I knew that cause I'd had had to eat the food that Daddy made all my life before our household became so crowded, but I would obviously never say that out loud. Besides, the ramen in this house was still best cooked by Daddy and because that ramen was also meant for Dad, he never trusted anyone else to make it. I shifted slightly in my spot next to Suyi unnie and looked over at Dad who was seated on the couch at the head of the coffee table. I had to admit, even though I did consider him my father, it had felt odd to call him Dad for the first few days, especially because Tao oppa had reacted too dramatically to the new arrangement and made me feel even more uncomfortable. Then there was also the fact that I couldn't call him Dad or Master or Sir Raizel in front of my human oppas and unnies. I was instructed to just call him Rai oppa around them, like how I addressed Shinwoo oppa and Ik-Han oppa, but that was way odder than even Dad so I simply didn't talk to him when we hung out with our human friends. Dad suddenly moved his eyes away from his teacup and looked at me. I smiled at him but he didn't smile back and returned his focus to his teacup. Oh, well. He was always more distant towards everyone in our family when our human friends came over. 


I looked up on hearing Seira unnie's voice and saw that she was holding a plate only in front of me. When I noticed what was on the plate, my eyes widened. It was a couple of the tastiest chocolate brownies I had ever seen, and I quickly looked back at Seira unnie.

"I remember you telling me once that you loved brownies. So I decided to try baking some today."

"And they're just for me?"

Seira unnie smiled softly, which was something we hardly ever saw her do, and nodded. I could feel my lips stretch into a big and bright grin, before I took the plate from her hand and picked up one brownie to take a huge bite out of it.

"It's so wood, unnie!"

I exclaimed while still eating, causing some brownie crumbs to spill out of my lips, and I heard Daddy sigh from where he was standing next to Dad.

"Don't talk while eating. Why does she always forget that when she sees brownies?"

I heard him mutter but only smiled and continued to eat my brownies because when it came to brownies, I usually never cared about manners.

"Aw, can I get a bite?"

Shinwoo oppa tried to inch closer to me at which Suyi unnie protectively moved in front of me and glared at the redhead.

"Shinwoo, you know she doesn't like to share her brownies with anyone. And it's obvious that Seira made them especially for her! Go away."


"Are you really going to try to take food from a child?!"

"Hey, that's not what I meant! Besides, it's just Aramina-"

"She's still a child!"

We all sighed simultaneously and looked away. Shinwoo oppa and Suyi unnie were always fighting for some reason, because they never seemed to agree about anything for some reason, which was why we were all pretty much accustomed to their constant bickering now. In fact, they argued almost as Ishii oppa and Regis oppa. Of course, this times, I was glad that Suyi unnie was fighting Shinwoo oppa to defend my brownies. I didn't know why Seira had made them specially just for me; maybe she wanted to see if she was actually good at baking brownies by giving them to only me for the first time, since I was a brownie expert, before moving on to give them to everybody else, regardless that Seira unnie was such a good chef that she didn't actually need to get her food tasted. But I was happy nonetheless, and finished up the two brownies in no time. Yuna unnie then used a napkin to wipe away the crumbs on my face, after which she and our other human friends left.

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