Chapter Three

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Here, have some more eye candy.

Aramina's POV

I sat on a couch in the living room, watching some cartoons (do kids in Korea have any specific cartoons or is it just the universal stuff) on TV, while Master sat on the couch to my left and silently sipped his tea. Over the past few weeks or so, I guessed I'd grown somewhat closer to the Master but I couldn't really tell since he barely ever talked. So the best kind of interaction we ever had was just sitting in the same room with me watching TV and him having his tea. How did he never get bored of tea though? Couldn't he try some other drinks, like orange juice or Sprite? Sprite was a nice drink. But Master seemed to love his tea so much that I didn't have the guts to suggest it to him. 


Daddy suddenly showed up out of nowhere and Master set down his cup of tea, while I quietly observed just how elegantly he put down his cup of tea. It was one of the simplest tasks out there, and yet Master performed it with such grace and class that my mind would be blown away. I could now kind of understand why our P.Ed teacher, and some other teachers too, always kept yelling at us. Compared to people like Master, we were so clumsy and stupid that it was embarrassing. 

"Jake and Marie have the children."

I looked up at Daddy, frowning once.

"Who're Jake and Marie?"

"The bad guys."

"Like those other two men and the creepy dude?"

Daddy stared at me for a second before glancing at Master, who only rose up from his seat and walked away towards the front door. Which he finally knew how to open.

"Listen, Aramina."

Daddy walked around the couch to kneel down in front of me and cupped my face with one hand.

"A lot of things have actually been happening these last few days but we haven't told you anything so you don't get scared. But that doesn't mean that there aren't any dangers out there. We're going to go save some people now-"

"The children?" I interrupted. "Which children? Do I know them?"

Daddy hesitated for a bit, before slowly telling me that he was referring to my oppas and unnie. My jaw fell and I could feel my hands starting to quiver in fear and anger. So it was those two men who had kidnapped Yuna unnie that night! Jake and Marie were probably two more of their friends, like that creepy man who'd attacked us.

"Aramina." Daddy brought his other hand up to cup my face as well and looked straight into my eyes. "I promise you that nothing's gonna happen to your oppas and unnie, okay? We'll bring them back, safe and sound. But I'll have to leave you alone for a few hours which isn't something I've ever done at night and-"

"Daddy. Your students need you more right now."

"You're really four years old?"

"I don't know, you're the one who said I was a baby four years ago."

Daddy chuckled and slightly leaned up to peck me on the nose, making me giggle, after which he told me that he'd kept some food in the microwave and then went out the front door. I pouted when I heard a click from the outside, knowing that he'd locked me in. There was no need to have done that. I knew perfectly well how to lock the door from the inside, and I knew how to do it better than Master. I think.

Which button next to the handle was I supposed to press again?

I sweatdropped when I realized just why Daddy had decided to lock the door from the outside and continued to watch TV for a while longer, before yawning once and thought that it would be good if I took a short nap on the couch. Staying awake would only make me keep worrying about my oppas and unnie, but I was sure that Master and Daddy would be able to save them on time. I mean, I'd never actually seen either of them in action, but I trusted them enough to know that they won't let any harm come to students of Ye Ran High School. Switching off the TV, I yawned again and rubbed my eyes with one fist, before curling into the corner of the couch which was a position that Daddy said always made me look like a little kitten, and then closed my eyes.

Little Starजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें