Chapter Eleven

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Batman Senior (you know very well why).

Aramina's POV

I groaned a little and shifted slightly, opening my eyes to a ceiling that was definitely not the ceiling of the living room where I would usually be sleeping with my head on Master's lap. That made me panic for a minute, until I remembered everything that had happened recently. After the fight between Daddy and Sir Rael on the rooftop where Daddy had accidentally almost attacked me and also where Sir Rael revealed that he had tattled to the Lord about me, I had run to Daddy despite that dangerous aura still leaking out from him for any sort of safety. The dark aura had persisted even as I hugged him, but had also started to quickly go away when I did hug him. Sir Rael had started yelling about how I, as a noble, could not disobey a direct order from the Lord and I'd looked up at Daddy, asking him if I really had to go. I had already discussed with Master that I was going to go to Lukedonia only with him, and I didn't want him to be sad if I left early.

"Master will not be sad, Aramina." Daddy had told me softly. "Go for now. We'll come for you later."

That was the only thing Daddy told me before Seira unnie had gently grabbed my arm and pulled me away. We left my schoolbag on the rooftop, and as we'd leaped away with Sir Rael, the only one I could see looking up at us was Regis oppa. Daddy had had his eyes turned down. It was a long and a scary journey after that, during which I had clung on to Seira unnie as tightly as I could to stop myself from falling and to stop myself from screaming. I had only ever seen others doing these fast and high jumps, but never actually experienced them myself. As thrilling as they were, they were also terrifying. What was even more thrilling and terrifying at the same time was when we finally landed on the shore of Lukedonia and Sir Rael started babbling stuff about how I would be able to jump around like that on my own one day.

And then I'd met my biological dad.

There had been two other people with him; a woman with red hair and glasses whom I had never seen before and Sir Rajak, clan leader of the Kertia clan, whom I'd seen in Sir Gejutel's memory. But my attention had mainly been on my father. I hadn't been crying, mainly because I had never really been that desperate to meet him, but he had cried and hugged me a lot. He'd even done some kind of confirmatory test on me in which everything around me had disappeared for a few seconds and been replaced by a blank red space in which I'd seen this really cool black bow and arrow, after which everything returned to normal and my dad started to hug me and even kiss me all over my face. Now that had made me sad. I may not have been desperate to meet him, but I was excited despite all my apprehension to come to this place, but seeing him cry so much on seeing me had made me sad. He really had missed me a lot, and it made me feel horrible about how I would have to tell him that I couldn't live in Lukedonia forever now. Yes, I knew I had my duties as the heir of the Blerster clan and all that, but Seira unnie had clearly said that I didn't actually need to start fulfilling those duties until I was eighteen years old and there was a long time until I turned eighteen. Despite, I felt horrible about asking Papa to let me stay away from him even until I turned eighteen.

Well, at least he'd told me I could call him Papa. It would avoid a lot of confusion I could've had when addressing him or Daddy.

"You're awake?"

I started and turned my head to find Papa leaning against the big window to the far left of the bed and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

"Yeah. Good morning." I mumbled while yawning and heard a small chuckle.

Papa walked over and knelt down by the bed so his eyes were level with mine.


He gently took my hands into his own and I looked at him, tilting my head at which he sighed.

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