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I will forever be grateful for having found this beautiful story called Noblesse.

"Shinwoo! Ik-Han! Hurry up!"

Yuna and Suyi called from the school gate, standing and watching their other two friends put every last bit of their strength into their feet in an attempt to storm onto the campus of their school before they were too late and the teacher on gate duty, the infamous Mr. Park, cooked up another grueling punishment for them.

"We made it!"

Shinwoo screamed as both he and Ik-Han skid to a halt in front of the girls, barely completing the distance within the nick of time.

"Han Shinwoo! I almost came in late because of you!"

Ik-Han yelled while simultaneously panting out of breathlessness as well.

"When I wake you up, I want you to wake up!"

"Aw, come on! We made it!"

"Shut it!"

Ik-Han angrily retorted to Shinwoo's poor defense by kicking him right in the ass after which the two boys pursued in another one of their pointless arguments until Mr. Park yelled at all the four children to get their rear ends to class unless they were willing to run a few laps around the horrifyingly large playground, instigating the children to instantly dash towards the school building.

Meanwhile, somewhere high above, standing atop the roof of another building of the school, were three young nobles; the newly assigned clan leader of the Kertia clan, the newly assigned clan leader of the Landegre clan and the long existing clan leader of the Loyard clan.

"Are you sure you want to leave like this?"

Rael turned to Regis and Seira, inwardly aware that they were nowhere near ready to simply bid farewell to the place they had come to know as a beloved second home. However, they had a beloved first home which was anticipating their return to their duties and hence, they knew it was time to say goodbye.

"Yes, we should return now."

Regis voiced the thoughts running rampant through the minds of both him and Seira and turned around, already beginning to walk away. Seira stood still for a moment longer, cherishing the appearance of Ye Ran High School that would forever hold a special place in her heart, before she too turned around to walk away with Rael in tow. Yet, right before they could actually leave, a fourth young noble climbed up on the rooftop of the building and greeted them with a glowing smile.


Rael questioned, perplexed to see her here.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the airport?"

"I am."

Aramina nodded and stepped forward.

"But I couldn't jwust leave without saying bye to you first."

Her voice lowered in volume but her smile persisted.

"I'll really miss you all."

"We won't be apart for long."

Seira smiled back and knelt down to tightly embrace the little girl whom she had come to adore as a younger sister in the span of these few months. Regis and Rael soon joined in on the embrace and all was peaceful for a while until they heard light footsteps approaching them. On pulling away from the hug, they looked up to find that the one smiling softly at them was a certain modified human with the most glorious princess purple hair and a knack for always hitting the bullseye.

"It's time to go, Aramina."

"Yeah, it's time for us to go too."

Rael stood up and reiterated the smile stretched across Takeo's lips.

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