Chapter Fifteen

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Redheaded Evil Nick Fury

HA! I totally trolled you all in the last chapter! You didn't think this story was actually over, did you? Yeah, no. I still want some chapters with Muzaka.

Aramina's POV

When I opened my eyes again, all I saw around myself was water. No, it wasn't water. Water was never usually green. But I was floating, meaning I was in some liquid which was green in colour. A strange object had been kept on my mouth, though I was able to breathe into it which implied that this object was what was keeping me alive in the liquid. I slowly glanced down at myself to find that I was wearing a plain white T-shirt and plain white shorts but following that, what was really caught my attention was the group of people dressed in white lab coats. They all had their backs turned to me and were focusing on a bunch of computers in front of them, and there seemed to be a glass wall separating them from me. Then it struck me. Green liquid. An object to supply air. People dressed in white lab coats with computers. A glass wall.

I was inside an experiment tank.

Panic overwhelmed me and I frantically darted my eyes around, hoping to see Daddy or anyone else I knew when my panic suddenly amplified because I remembered seeing the fake M-24 right before I passed out. Which could only mean that I had been kidnapped, and kidnapped by a Union agent. That tiny bit of realization alone was enough to force me to start screaming into the oxygen mask and thrashing my arms and legs around in the green liquid; all of which quickly attracted the attention of the Union scientists. Several of them began to run around the lab, screaming words I didn't understand, before the green liquid around me quickly began to drain away and I soon stopped floating, landing on the floor of the experiment tank with a soft thud. However, only seconds later, before I could do anything else, the wall at the back of the experiment tank, the one which wasn't made of glass, opened up and a tall man dressed in what looked like army clothes came running in to remove the oxygen mask from my face.

"Go away!"

I shouted the minute the oxygen mask was gone but the man simply slapped me and my face turned all the way to the side, making me gasp. I had never been slapped before. Never in my whole life. The stinging pain on my cheek was not as harrowing as the shock I'd received, rendering me speechless, and the man used my speechlessness to pick me up and storm out of the tank. The way he held me was strange too; lugging me over my shoulder like I was a little sack or something. I had never been held so roughly before either, but before I could register what was going on, I was thrown down on a sterile white table and blinked uncomfortably when a bright white light was shown right into my eyes. I couldn't see that man anymore now but I could see two scientists, a man and a woman, standing on either side of me and doing their work. Well, the woman had started doing her work since she had already opened up a notebook and started to jot something down in it. The man then produced a small black device in his hand and pressed a button on it, before he began to speak.

"Subject has gained consciousness. Permission to proceed with experiment one?"

"Permission granted."

A scratchy but deep voice blared out of the device and my breathing abruptly turned heavier as a result of the fear of what was going to happen. It obviously wasn't going to be something good, since I'd heard enough about all the horrible experiments Ishii oppa, Tao oppa and Takeo oppa had had to bear while at the Union. And that only worsened my fear. I tried to move my lips to say something but stopped when the man looked at the woman across me. The woman nodded back and turned to look at a steel tray that was next to my head which I hadn't noticed before. She picked something off off it and my eyes widened when I saw that it was an injection filled with some weird blue liquid. I'd anyway always hated injections, and this was an injection from the Union.

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