I sit on the bed and he picks up his acoustic guitar (aka Simone) and sits down next to me. He looks at Tommy who is sitting in his computer chair. "What song should I play?" Tommy looks up and thinks. "Oh! You should play Sex Sells." "I knew you were going to say that. I bet you are going to be 60% of the plays when it gets released." Tommy smiled. "You betcha." Will Got his guitar in tune and started strumming. He slowed down the tempo so it would be more relaxed. Tommy leaned back and looked at the ceiling while Will played. Halfway through he laid on my lap and grabbed my hand. He told me where to press and what strings to pluck.

I looked at him and he was just so beautiful. I have been completely swept away with this boy it was unbelievable. The way he looked when he was completely relaxed and at peace was something else. I wasn't paying attention to Tommy and didn't catch how he snapped a picture of us. Will played One Day next. He is such a great artist, I could see him going somewhere far. Once the music was all played out we decided to go grab a bite to eat. "Tommy do you want to come?" I asked him. "No, I will just ransack Wilbur's pantry for something to eat." I felt a little bad but he insisted."Don't mess anything up okay?" He nodded okay and we left.

We decided on 'The Gingerman'. We were walking, laughing, playing around, we took pictures and got others to take them for us. The old people got pretty pissed but who cares they are just mad because they would pop a hip if they tried. We eventually got to the restaurant and walked in. We ate and Will paid for everything even though I insisted. We wondered around Brighton until we came across this huge parking garage. We took the elevator all the way to the top and laid down. It may have been not so sanitary but that didn't matter to me.

All you could hear was the cars driving, people talking, and cars honking. It was very distant though. I look at Will and he is just staring at the sky. At this moment I am genuinely happy. Nothing else could matter except for this moment. He turns his head and looks at me. Eyes soft and smile wide. He takes his arm and grabs mine to pull me closer. My head rested on his chest and I couldn't be happier.

Wilburs POV:

I turn and look at her. Her pupils are so huge that she looks like a little puppy. I smile at her and she gives me one back. I was in deep, this girl made my heart skip a beat. I couldn't imagine what I would be doing right now if I wasn't with her. I look at her and only she matters. I wouldn't change that for the world. I grabbed her arm making sure to be gentle and pulled her closer. Her head laid on my chest and I could feel her become lighter. she had fallen asleep. I let her stay there for a few minutes and then I had to wake her up.

Cora's POV:

I feel someone playing with my hair and I slightly wake up. I look up and He just smiles at me. I grab my phone to look at the time. It's 6:00 pm, I get up and Will does so after me. We walk down the parking garage and Will steps over the bollards with ease. While I attempt but struggle not being able to get over it. Of course, It would be easy for him and his string bean legs. "Oh my god, you are so tiny like a little ant" He picks me up and puts me over it so I would have the satisfaction of going over it instead of going around it. I laughed and softly kicked his leg once he put me down. He kept his arm around me the whole walk home.

We walked through the door and Into his room. He had his arm around my waist when we walked through. Tommy was live on his computer and I don't know if you remember but the camera points towards the door. I notice that he was live and pushed Will's hand off of me. Will turned a bright red color and walked off camera. I walked up to Tommy and crouched down so the stream could see my whole face. I look at the chat and It was going so fast of people saying 'aww', 'did you see that?', and 'corabur'. "Tommy, what in the world are you doing?" He looks at me. "I got bored, so I streamed." Will went to the other side of him and crouched down. "How long have you been live for?" Will said to Tommy. "About 2 hours just chatting." He replied. "Oh great so you can end now!" Will said looking at him. "Bye guys I hope yall enjoyed Tommy's stream!" He clicked 'end live'.  "I am so sorry." Tommy started apologizing profusely. "Don't worry Tommy, people will probably think we were just being flirty.

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