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Jeno rushed through the airport doors, getting soaked by the rain that had started to pick up outside.

"Excuse me, sorry," Jeno apologized over and over again and he maneuvered to the front of the line near the entrance to get towards the escalator.

"Excuse me sir!" A women called out to him.


Jeno cursed at himself.

"Look I know I need a pass or something to get through but I'm not here to board a flight," He tried to explain quickly. "Im here to keep someone from leaving and I need to get to him before the plane takes off."

"Im sorry sir but you can't just-" The lady, along with the rest of the people in line, looked annoyed and exasperated.

"Please, I might not be able to see him again if I dont-"

"The flight to Thailand will be leaving in exactly 45 minutes."

Jeno felt a sense of panic hit his chest.

"Thats his flight! Please let me get him," Jeno begged to the lady but she just shook her head.

"Im sorry kid but I'm not allowed," She stated, about to call over security until Jeno walked forward to rest his hand on the counter.

"Ma'am you don't understand," Jeno felt desperate as he spoke, his eye pleading to her. "I've made some serious mistakes in my relationship with this person. I've broken his heart a hundred times because I was stupid. He means everything to me and I can't just let him go. I need him. Please."

There was a moment of silence before the lady was signing a piece of paper with a pen and handing it to him.

"You will go through security checks," She instructed him before turning her attention to the next people in line.

Jeno felt the greatest amount of hope rise in his chest.

"Where the hell are you?" Jeno ran a heavy hand through his hair as he tried to navigate the filled airport.

He fist balling tightly.

He knows Jaemin doesn't like crowds and this would seem like a nightmare.

Jeno felt annoyed when another person bumped into his shoulder without an apology.

Was it really that hard to say sorry?

"Flight to Thailand leaving in exactly 30 minutes."

It didnt matter if he had go buy a ticket and fly to Thailand himself.

He won't let Jaemin go.

Never again.

He would be there for Jaemin, ever if the younger wants him at a distance.

"Are you alright sir?" A loud voice caught his attention.

"Is he ok?" Another voice said.

"I dont know he isn't speaking," The same loud voice stated.

Jeno turned and there was a large group of people gathering near corner.

"Is it your back sir?" Jeno heard as he got closer to the crowd of people. "Is that why your holding your back?"

"Do you need any of us to call someone?" A lady from the back called.

"We are just trying to help you," Anothef man from the back snarked.

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