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"Look up for a second," Donghyuck whispered to Jaemin with an eyeliner pencil in his hands.

Jaemin slowly looked up, his eyelashes fluttering at the pointy stick coming near his eye.

"Ai, don't move Jaemin-ah," Donghyuck hissed a little bit when he almost stabbed Jaemin in the eye because his long ass lashes touched his finger. "Ok repeat it again?"

"Again?" Jaemin whined but regretted it when a brush bristle almost got in his eye.

"Yes again because you almost never listen to what I say or you forget," Donghyuck said sternly as he held firmly to Jaemin's chin.

"Ok ok, get dressed, go to the party, get a drink and sit til someone comes up to me...but what if nobody wants to talk to me?" Jaemin's lips jutted into a sad pout  making Donghyuck put his hands on Jaemins shoulders and pull back. A cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"Well Nana....have you ever worn a skirt before?" Donghyuck winked with a knowing smile.

Jaemin gulped and his cheeks tinted pink. "I-i d-dont-"

"Don't lie to me Nana," Donghyuck raised his brows. "I saw the box at the bottom of the closet."

"That's private!" Jaemin spluttered, shaking Donghyucks hands off him to cover his face.

"Aww c'mon I have the same box at the bottom of mine," Donghyuck tried to soothe him because really it wasn't a big deal.

"...really?" Jaemin's eyes peeked our through his fingers.

"Yes," Donghyuck grabbed onto Jaemin's wrist and pulled him up. "And you are gonna wear one tonight."

Jaemin felt like even more of a splattering and flustered mess at the thought of wearing one of his skirts.

He only wore them in the comfort of his bedroom. Away from judging eyes. He had never told anyone about his liking for them.

That's how Jaemin was standing infront of his full-body mirror with a hot pink latex skirt on. The black zipper down the middle felt a little cold on his skin.  A belt with a clip around his lithe waist.

(A/N:...I'm sorry if you dont like skirts but here is a reference.)

"Woahhhhh," Donghyuck yelled dramatically

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"Woahhhhh," Donghyuck yelled dramatically. "Bitch looking good."

"...are you sure?" Jaemin let his fingers trail shyly to the sides of the skirt. He hadn't wore a skirt in front of anybody before.

"Oh hell yeah," Donghyuck confirmed, trying to hype Jaemin up. Hoping the boys confidence level would spike. "Now let's your beautiful ass to the party so you can flirt with some guys."

Jaemin put on a fake smile for Donghyuck's sake but really...he only wanted Jeno.

But he can't have Jeno.



Donghyuck's plan seemed so much better in theory.

He instantly grabbed himself a drink, a red solo cup filled with beer.

And then sat himself on a couch alone.

Donghyuck had disappeared a few minutes after they got there. Honestly he doesn't feel like he should even be here.

He was sitting on the couch with his legs crossed and sipping out of his cup. Watching people dance and grind on each other. Some people playing beer pong in the other room. He could hear the shouts of people near the pool in the backyard.

"God this sucks," Jaemin spoke to himself while shaking his head. His hand pulling at the hem of his skirt. "This skirt was such a waste of time-"


Jaemin's head instantly shot up at a voice close to him.

There was a tall boy with brown eyes and a bit tanner skin. His brown hair swept up messily on his head but it looked attractive none the less.

"Oh uh hi," Jaemin waved back awkwardly. Instantly regretting it because of how weird the action was.

"You alone?" The man asked, something sparking in his eyes.

"Uh yeah, I came with a friend but he uhm left," Jaemin smiled politely and motioned to nowhere specific.

The man smiled before taking a seat next to him. His knee pressing next to Jaemin's bare one.

He felt his breath hitch.

"I'm Lucas," Lucas said with a hot smile. His face close to Jaemins, his hot breath already felt close enough to mingle with Jaemin's nervous one.

"Jaemin," Jaemin decided to smile back, the boys eyes weren't the wide ones he saw before he sat down. They were a bit squinted, sexy.

"Well Jaemin...I like your skirt," Lucas looked down towards the short material.

"Oh uh thanks I usually don't-" Jaemin was cut off when Lucas put his hand on Jaemin's lower thigh and squeezed.

"I like it alot," Lucas repeated, his hand moving up higher on Jaemins leg. The skirt moving up a little bit with the movement.

Jaemin's mind flashed to Jeno.

He hoped Jeno would be the one to do this.

But Jeno wasn't here.

Jaemin swallowed before gathering himself and placing his hand on Lucas'.

"Im glad you do," Jaemin clasped his hand down on Lucas', letting it squeeze his lower thigh a bit harder.

Lucas' bit his lip with a smirk before leaning in towards Jaemin. Jaemin panicked for a minute, turning his head last second so that their noses only rubbed together.

"Something wrong?" Lucas frowned and pulled away a little bit. "Do you not want me to kiss you?"

"I....i," Jaemin's voice trailed a bit, insecurity shining through.

"Just tell me," Lucas tried to comfort his hand moving from Jaemins thigh to his hip.

"I haven't...had my first kiss," Jaemin winced out. It was the most unattractive thing to confess to a hot guy. But he had always been saving it for someone he loved...nobody's ever loved him and the only person he ever loved was Jeno.

"Mmm," Lucas' hummed but there was a smirk on his face. "Let me help you with that."

Before Jaemin could ask, Lucas leaned in again. His lips pressing hungrily to Jaemins own, trying to devour the virgin lips.

Jaemin didn't know how to feel.

Lucas just stole his first kiss.


He didnt hate it.

Jaemin slowly reached up to tangle his hands in Lucas' hair.

He felt Lucas smirk into the kiss.

"Let's take this upstairs baby," Lucas' hands were heavy and squeezing hard to his hips.

Jaemin's eyes were half lidded and his brain wasn't fully clear.


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