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Jaemin was rushing to the pantry to grab a granola bar for breakfast since he was already running late when Dotori❤ flashed across his phone.

He hadn't hear or seen Jeno since yesterday morning.

He heard nothing from his best friend and he was terrified that maybe the elder was mad at him.

"H-hello?" Jaemin stumbled out, swallowing a bit when he realized he still hadn't talked to Jeno about the breakdown he had to witness the other day.

"Hey Jaem," Jeno's voice sounded smooth like butter but their was an underlying tone in it that Jaemin couldn't place. "I can't come with you to school this morning....but I should be there around lunch time."

"I...ok?" Jaemin nodded his head even though Jeno couldn't see him. He didn't really get why Jeno was telling him this.

"Stay in the classroom you're in before lunch," Jeno said and there was a small shuffled that could be heard. "I'll walk you to lunch from there."

"Jen. It's alright. I can just go to lunch-" Jaemin tried to intersect.

"No," Jeno shut the words down quickly, as if it wasn't a regular occurrence for them just to meet in lunch.

"I can just meet you in the cafeteria-" Jaemin tried to say but was soon cut off by Jeno's voice turning low.

"Jaemin," Jeno made his name sound like a whip. "Just stay in the classroom...just...please do what I say."

Jaemin felt his mouth gape a bit and the way Jeno's voice went from hard to soft.

"O-ok," Jaemin whispered into the phone before he heard Jeno's next words. He could picture the eyesmile on the boy's face already.

"Okay, see you then minnie."

Jaemin let his hand tighten on the phone even after Jeno hung up.

Jaemin remembers only one time Jeno sounded that soft saying the nickname.


Jaemin trudged forward to stand infront of the wall on the bridge, the water below sparkling in the moonlight. The stars reflected in it like glitter.

"I still don't get why we are up here Jen," Jaemin took a deep sigh, he did not have a good day today and all he wanted to do was go home and sleep.

But no.

He was standing on a bridge looking at the sky with his hands wrapped around his elbows, trying to retain any type of heat.

Damn t-shirt.

"I didn't have a good day today," Jeno shrugged, no sadness or anger in his voice. It sounded a bit indifferent if anything.

"Neither did I," Jaemin let his body slump against the bridge wall, his crossed arms laying on top of it.

"I know," Jeno said in the same relaxed tone.


Jeno always knows.

"Then why are we here instead of at home shoveling ice cream into our faces and taking a long ass nap," Jaemin groaned, turning to face Jeno again with a pout on his face.

"I wanted to hang out with you," Jeno was digging the toe of his shoe into the concrete of the bridge.

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